Sunday, June 8, 2014

It's a Good Life

Hey guys!

Umm, yup. This was the last week of school. It's kind of crazy to think how fast this year went past. Like, seriously where did it go. And when I think back, initially, I'm like, oh, not much happened this year. But then I REALLY think about it, you know, and I realize HOW MUCH I DID THIS YEAR.

To start:
I finished/caught up with Supernatural. Watched two season of Orange is the New Black (Literally spent all weekend doing that oops). Watched three seasons of Once Upon a Time. Read, probably around like 15 books. Caught up on two seasons of Game of Thrones. And probably a bunch more. 

I found a lot of "new" music and became very obsessed with Fall Out Boy, Paramore, and, most obviously, twenty one pilots. Like, I legitimately have become OBSESSED with them. And I can't explain it. I don't know why. But aside from just being something fun and amazing to listen to, it has actually helped me. That's something that something like that hasn't done for me before and it means so much to me.

On that topic, I became concert crazed. I went to 8 concerts this school year and loved each one. Just being in the atmosphere, with people who love something as much as you do. Seeing something that means a lot to you being performed right in front of your eyes. It's an experience that I will never be able to live down. 

I also traveled more than I ever have before this year. I went to Disney Land. I went to Disney World. (Guys, I freaking went to both Disneys [BOTH FOR FREE MIND YOU] all within the span of a year. Ugh). I went to Harry Potter World. I went to Chicago. And it was all so worth it. Traveling, going to concerts, going to fun places, seeing new things, and doing it all with someone you care about. There isn't much better. 

I figured out what I want to do with my life and even bettered myself at my work. 

And finally, I somehow found a way to get closer to people who already meant a lot to me. I turned a passionate one month fling of a friendship with a random group of people and turned it into something that is now forever. And that's so important to me. 

This year was crazy. Seemingly uneventful, but really more eventful than I can even fathom. It was great. Yes, this was a filler year. But it was more than just filler. It meant something. I only have two more of these and I plan to make them mean something even more. 

Why This Week Was Awesome: End 
Books Read: 7
Times Eaten at Chipotle: 26
Airplanes Ridden: 12
Concerts Attended: 5 (9 total) 


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