Monday, June 23, 2014

That was Chicken Involved

For once, Jen actually made a week and I didn't. Ugh. Life.

Nah, I wasn't even busy or anything, I just kind of forgot. 

This week was crazy and fun though. I basically spent my whole life at the SPO working. It's a fun time here (I'm siting in the SPO right now). 

It's so funny how it just comes back to me like second nature. It's honestly like I never even left. I don't really understand it sometimes, but I'm not complaining. I really do love it here. 

Yup. That's what you get. When you let your heart win? Dude. When I'm not doing work, the rest of my time is spent looking at Monumentour pictures. My body is NOT ready. 

Why This Week Was Awesome: SPO!
Books Read: 7
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 5 (9 total) 


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