Sunday, February 23, 2014

Time to Get Serious!

Hi all, like Kendall this week was this week for me too. Things have kind of slowed down in a not really slowed down way. Like. I still have things to do. And I am still sleeping past midnight. But I am just not as all over the place or suicidal and depressed. Maybe because I have been going to the gym?

That is right folks! I am going to the gym! It gets pretty crowded so it is hard to get on the machines though. My strategy so far has always been to just sign up for whatever cardio is open, and then make sure to sign up for another one for the second half-hour. I think the endorphins really help with my stress and happiness level--I mean, duh, they are endorphins.

I am trying to lose weight. I have gained 10-12 pounds since I got back from DC (I say 9-12 becayse I usually ranged from 107-110 pounds...yes I am now 117 pounds.) A lot of people scoff at me when I say I want to lose weight but I think that comes from them automatically assuming that I want to lose weight because I think I am fat and that skinny girls win. That is only a small fraction of the reason. I want to be healthy. I want to be conscious of what I am eating. I want to be more active. And I want to love these three things. And trimming the inches I have gained on my belly is a definite plus, guys, I mean come on really, who does not want to look hot and fit?

Maybe I am just going through something--but even if I am, I hope it is not just a phase!

Okay, I have to go back to procrastinating on my POLS reading. 

Risks Taken: 63
Kimchi Count: 8 (2 in one week!)

It's Just a Spark, but It's Enough to Keep Me Going

Hey guys!


I don't know, what's up? How was your week? Really? Aww, that's nice. I'm glad you had fun.

Me? Oh, well, you know, the usual. 

Ha ha okay, umm, yeah, I don't know, this week was this week. Nothing super special. It's next week though. It's crazy busy. I have a billion things due. I have meetings up the yang. A concert. A play. Ugh. I'm excited though, but still, I wish I could skip all the work.

Ummm, I finished the Divergent Series this weekend. It was dumb. But good I guess. But stupid.

Yeah, I don't have much for you this week. Sorry I'm not sorry. 

Why This Week Was Awesome: Figuring out life (kind of)
Books Read: 4 (WOOOO)
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 9
Airplanes Riden: 2 
Concerts Attended: 2

Monday, February 17, 2014

I Broke Some Rocks Right Through Your Window

Hey guys!

I know I'm a day late, it's just because it's a three day weekend, and Rebecca was here, and a lot of things. But alas. Here I am on Monday. 

This past week was good. It was honestly the most busy/stressful school-wise week I've had in a long long time. I had a lot due but I did manageD to get it all done, so that's alright. 

I went through a lot of changes at work this week. New boss, new computers, new responsibilities, but I'm excited for all the good things to come.

Also, I went to a concert this week, of course. On Tuesday, we went to go see Imagine Dragons. While they aren't a band I'm super invested in, it was just a fun time in general. Lots of children and such. But still good. And the lead singer was bomb. We were able to get pretty close, which was nice as always. I don't see the point of having general admission to a concert and standing all the way in the back. Like, no. We're not about that life. 

Oh, I guess I can tell you about this now. I pierced my ears a few weeks ago. It was kind of just a YOLO thing for me to do. I don't know, I wanted to try something different and it was easy and didn't have ill permanent effects. If you want to see a picture, go to my instagram ( But yeah, I don't know, it feels nice to do something different for once, you know?

Next few weeks will be kind of stressful. If they go according to plan I'll let you know. And if they don't I'll let you know about that too. Kay. SHOOOTS

Why This Week Was Awesome: Moniez
Books Read: 3 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 7 (I didn't go this week...Again)
Airplanes Riden: 2
Concerts Attended: 2 (WOOO!)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

I Walked Three Miles Today, Don't Mess With Me

Hi all. I am currently in the middle of studying for my Theories exam on Tuesday. Yeps. 

This week was a lot more chill than other weeks, but that doesn't mean I didn't want to throw up my hands in the hair at least once. I had meetings and scholarships to rush and, get this, an interview session that lasted for four hours. Oh and a hike social that got rained on. The second one so far this semester that is under my and Brandon's nameS. The Rain Gods hate us. They want us to push ourselves. FINE!

Okay guys, the Theories beckon. And so does Andy Grammer.

Risks Taken: 62
Kimchi Count: 6

Still Alive But Barely Breathing

I had a giant bowl of salad with balsamic vinegar for lunch about three hours earlier. I got hungry again so I just finished eating a whole banana and an orange. 


I am in the middle of doing some work--presentaitons, readings, and emails (of course...)--but I figured I would take a little bit to just blog. 

This past week has been hectic because of the GK General Member Meetings that we had to plan and run. Being that we have never attended a GK Gen Mem Mtg, it was a bit tricky for me and Brandon to run one. Nevertheless, it went on much smoother than we expected and so we feel we will have a better idea of what to expect in the future.

Beside that, the Honor Society Conference also took quite a bit of my time. I was a student presenter in the conference so that meant I had to make my presentation and such and it took time and I didn't really know from what angle to present my ideas and more. Again, though, it turned out fine. I presented in front of a large audience thatn I had anticipated, and I went first out of all the student presenters, but it was all right. It was a tiring and long day with lots of running around and taking pictures and prepping things and then cleaning up after that but it was good, everything taken into account.

Also, in slightly more interested news, I've had quite a lot of retail therapy in the past few days. Like, I have been spending my money on dresses. In my defense, Forever 21 is having a dress sale....but yeah. 

OK back to work!

Risks Taken: 61
Kimchi Count: 4

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Best Friends Ex-Friends Till the End

Hey guys!

This week was actually really great... I think... YEAH!

I woke up super early on Friday to only realize that I didn't need to wake up super early, then fell back asleep, then woke up and screwed up my life and ended up paying a butt ton of money.... (Without context that sounds like a really exciting morning). Yesterday, I went to Red Robin. Bottomless lemonade and fries? Yes please. Then, for the first time in my year and a half of being here, it finally snowed!!! It was crazy, at least for me it was. It was so fluffy and wet and pretty and terrible all in one. I couldn't even. It honestly was pretty great. Some of it is still left outside, but it's gonna be gone soon, but that's okay!

I have a concert in two days, standard. 

I'm halfway done with this quarter already. That's crazy to me, it went by so fast. The next 5 weeks are only gonna speed by too. I have a lot planned in the coming months. It's gonna be a fun time.

OHHHHHH!!! After like, 7 or 8 months, I was finally able to finish 9 and a half seasons of Supernatural. Like, guys, it took me THAT FREAKING LONG. It was a fun time though. It sucks that it's going to be a lot more infrequent, but that's okay, I feel proud of myself for watching almost 200 episodes. Woo!

Yup, that's life.

Why This Week Was Awesome: New
Books Read: 3 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 7 (I didn't go this week...)
Airplanes Riden: 2 (Oh lawd, this is going to exponentiate quite soon)
Concerts Attended: 1 (This one too though)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

You Can Only Blame Your Problems On the World For So Long

Hey guys!

This week was kind of crazy. It was actually kind of really rebellious and YOLO.

First of all, yesterday I did something completely crazy and out of my comfort zone. I won't say exactly what it is yet because it isn't 100% complete, but soon I'll let you know, cause I'm actually kind of excited about it, but it just isn't ready yet.

Then, today was the Super Bowl. Which, normally I wouldn't be super pumped about, but the Seahawks were in it and I am in Seattle, so it was kind of exciting. The fun part came afterwards when we went outside and ended up in a mob. People were stomping through the streets, screaming and yelling. Throwing things, people were honking and jumping on cars. Some rode down the street on a dumpster. It was honestly the craziest thing that I've ever been apart of. It was really cool and we got out of it right before the cops showed up so it was perfect timing. It was just kind of fun and exciting to be apart of something with people who are just genuinely happy. 

Yeah, I'm tired and I still have class tomorrow, so yup...

Why This Week Was Awesome: New

Books Read: 3 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 7 (It was a quesarito, so, you know, good day)
Airplanes Riden: 2
Concerts Attended: 1