Sunday, September 8, 2013




September 16, 11:52 PM ADD-ON

This was the Night of the Bed Bug Discovery. I think I remember just thinking, "FRICK I HAVE EIGHT MINUTES TO BLOG" and I did this. We were waiting all night for someone to tell us what we had to do. It was Labor Day so no one was on campus to help us out, the Director of Housing who isn't even in charge of us conference guests had to drive over to school.

But anyway, to focus on the better things, Labor Day was really fun because I ended up spending the day with Siena, David, and mostly Guthrie for the day. We all met up by GW then walked to the Lincoln Memorial to which I had never been before. Then we had lunch at Johnny Rockets and of course I had to have the obligatory diner milkshakes. Then Guthrie took me to the Waterfront at Georgetown on the Potomac then a full tour of the Georgetown campus. I don't remember why I didn't apply to Georgetown. Why didn't I?

Anyway, it was a good day! It was hot and there was lots of walking but it was a good day!

Risks Taken: 57
Books Read Since Graduation: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15


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