Sunday, September 15, 2013

Covered in Jet Lag

Hey guys!

So, this was basically my last full week at home. What did I do, you ask? Oh ummmmm nothing..... Nah, I worked.... The whole time.... It was super fun though! I honestly did enjoy myself this week. It was a good time working and all. My last day is going to be tomorrow. I'm gonna miss them all a lot but that's alright. 

Two good quotes for this week. 

1) By Andy Bernard in The Office Season finale:

"I wish there was a way to know that you were in the good old days before you've actually left them." 

I mean, not super relevant because I now know to enjoy and appreciate every moment because it won't last, which is why I really love this quote a lot.

2) I was talking to Ayami a few days ago and I asked her how she was doing, this was what she said (not word for word, mind you):

"I'm actually having a lot of fun. I am really busy though and sometimes I wish I could just have a break, but I wouldn't trade it for anything"

There was something really special about that. I felt the exact same way when I was a senior. While sometimes it may be hard and tiring, it really is worth it in the end and I'm glad that she's been able to realize it now instead of later. 

Okay, yeah, that's my life. Next time I talk to you, I'll be in Seattle!


Times Eaten At Chipotle: 12 (NEXT WEEK THIS WILL ALL CHANGE!!!!)  
Why This Week Was Awesome: Good old days
Books Read: 6 
Song Stuck In My Head: 


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