Sunday, September 29, 2013


For those of you keeping up with the news, I think the government is going to shutdown on Tuesday. And then Congress will scramble to get us out of it.

I can't talk much right now (well, type, really). I have to read about electrifying Africa. It is for work.

Bye for now. Be back later.

October 7 ADD-ON

And we did shut down! And we are still on shut down........

Anyway, are you confused about the shutdown? Here, watch Hank explain

Risks Taken: 58
Books Read Since Graduation: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 20 (Just wrote three)

I'm Good To Go

Hey guys!

Finally! I am sitting in my new room right now typing this. This week has kind of been a continued whirlwind after last week, but I feel like things are kind of settling down and I'm happy.

I really like my room. Like, it has a kitchen and stuff. We already made some foods and things. 

I really like my classes so far. Like, I have fun professors and fun classes. This is gonna be a good year. I can feel it. 

I don't really know what else to say for this week other than: I'm ready. I'm so ready for this year to start, to go out and do things, to just get started. I'm ready. Let's go. 

Times Eaten At Chipotle: 3 (It has begun...)
Why This Week Was Awesome: Getting settled in
Books Read: 6 
Song Stuck In My Head:

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Greaaattttt. And my reason for being late I shouldn't say.  Really.

Anyway. This week was hella busy. Not as much walking as last week (thank God) because my shins have been good--no shin splints this week!

I am getting more and more used to the office which is good. Work is still busy and we are now ramping up on class work. Plus it has gotten chilly here. Like. Guys. It is cold. Also. I popped tags yesterday. And saw JQA's tombstone, along wtih Henry Clay's, who was right next to Clay? Darn. Anyway,  today I met Khaled Hosseini and Katherine Paterson.  And I spent about two and a half hours sitting on the grassy lawn of the National Mall, outside on a beautiful warmish coolish day, reading a good book. Yay for book festivals!

Risks Taken: 57
Books Read Since Graduation: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 17 (I wrote two! >_<)

So, This Is My Life

Hey guys!

Sorry for the filler post.... But, like, guys, this week was amazing. Basically it was just a cluster blastoff of emotions. 

On Monday I had my last day of work (which seems like a million years ago by now). It was nice. Honestly, at this point, I don't remember it that much specifically. No wait. I do. That was Mr. U trying to trick me. Yeah, that was a good day. It was nice. Monday had emotions from saying goodbye to people. 

Then on Tuesday just my last day at home and just chilling. Did some shopping and hung out with my family. Tuesday had emotions from being my last day. 

Then on Wednesday I got on the airport and arrived in Seattle. My mom and I left with one our friends because she is going off to school for the first time in Seattle too. Wednesday was full of emotions from leaving and just the mindset of being social and such. 

Then on Thursday the four of us drove around and did, you know, like touristy/first time collegey stuff. It put me in the mindset of all the things I had to get done and stuff. Thursday was full of emotions of just going back to college and remembering last year when I came for the first time.

Then on Friday things got a little interesting. I woke up at 3 in the morning to go to the airport to meet Jaime because the two of us went to LA. We got there early, got a car and we were off. It was kind of a blegh day, like, it was all cloudy, but it wasn't too cold. We went to The Last Bookstore, which was amazing. Then we drove to the Griffith Observatory and it was also super cool. It had really amazing exhibits for free. It was super great actually. Then after that we went down to the Santa Monica Pier. It was cool cause like no one was there. Then we touched the water and it was freezing. After that, we rushed back to the airport to catch a shuttle down to Anaheim. We got to our hotel and then straight away to the Honda Center (by taxi, mind you!) for the greatest event of my life. We went to a concert that had twenty one pilots, Panic! at the Disco, and Fall Out Boy. (Hence the fact that basically all the song lyrics or songs stuck in my head for the whole summer have been by those three artists). But honestly, it was so perfect. All of them were so good. We got really really close to the front. Even though the mosh pit got kind of bad at times, it was still so worth it and fun even. Then, honestly, I was getting emotional watching Panic. Like, I saw Brendon Urie and it was so surreal. I've been listening to their music since I was in elementary school. Over the past few years their music have been such a big part of my life and finally seeing them and hearing them in person was probably one of the best experiences of my life. My only regret was that they only sang 10 songs. So I'm hoping that when their new album comes out (in 2 weeks!!!!) they will announce a tour for themselves. I honestly just can't anymore. Friday was full of emotions that can't even been described. 

Then on Saturday, we spent the day at Disneyland. I could go on about it, but let me just say this, we went hard. Saturday was full of emotions of fun and Disney feels and just having to leave from that amazing trip. 

Then on Sunday I was back in Seattle and I moved in finally. I got to see all my friends and it was kind of great. I had so much stuff and it was ridiculous and blegh having to put it all away but I got it done for the most part! Sunday was full of emotions of going back to school and seeing my friends back at school. 

I just want you guys to know that I'm both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be. 

Times Eaten At Chipotle: 1 (MY LIFE HAS MEANING AGAIN!!!) (Oh and I'm restarting the count...)
Why This Week Was Awesome: So much perfection
Books Read: 6 
Song Stuck In My Head: All of it. I just can't.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Covered in Jet Lag

Hey guys!

So, this was basically my last full week at home. What did I do, you ask? Oh ummmmm nothing..... Nah, I worked.... The whole time.... It was super fun though! I honestly did enjoy myself this week. It was a good time working and all. My last day is going to be tomorrow. I'm gonna miss them all a lot but that's alright. 

Two good quotes for this week. 

1) By Andy Bernard in The Office Season finale:

"I wish there was a way to know that you were in the good old days before you've actually left them." 

I mean, not super relevant because I now know to enjoy and appreciate every moment because it won't last, which is why I really love this quote a lot.

2) I was talking to Ayami a few days ago and I asked her how she was doing, this was what she said (not word for word, mind you):

"I'm actually having a lot of fun. I am really busy though and sometimes I wish I could just have a break, but I wouldn't trade it for anything"

There was something really special about that. I felt the exact same way when I was a senior. While sometimes it may be hard and tiring, it really is worth it in the end and I'm glad that she's been able to realize it now instead of later. 

Okay, yeah, that's my life. Next time I talk to you, I'll be in Seattle!


Times Eaten At Chipotle: 12 (NEXT WEEK THIS WILL ALL CHANGE!!!!)  
Why This Week Was Awesome: Good old days
Books Read: 6 
Song Stuck In My Head: 

this is going to be here

I will be back before I sleep tonight I promise!


September 17, 12:01AM ADD-ON

So earlier today, I was on the phone with Kendall and he was all, "Oh hey I like how last night you were like, "Gonna come back to write this post before I sleep!"....and then you went to sleep..."

So here I am! I swear. Kendall is such a good friend to me, he can make me do anything just by making me feel guilty because one of the reasons why I blog and continue to want to update and keep this tradition that we now have alive is because of Kendall. Kerms is a lermy little friend. 

Anyway, I was telling him that I took a risk this week and I would not have been able to do it without his (and Mr. U's) help. And to some, it might not seem like it was a big deal, but it was for me. So today, I told Kendall, "Thank you! You don't know why I am thanking you just yet, but you will soon! I will blog about it!"

So here I am. 

Okay, so on Friday, I was supposed to finish at 5pm instead of 6pm because Congress was not in session, there were no votes scheduled for that day. But unforeseen circumstances forced me to go to two (instead of the one that I had origianlly planned to attend) staff briefings in one day, which meant I had to write two memos. I was in the middle of writing the first memo when I was told to go to a second one. So I had to go to that (it was a call-in for about an hour and fifteen minutes), which meant I did not finish my first memo until 6pm on Friday in the office and I still had yet to do the second memo.

Anyway, I met up with Guthrie on Friday, we found a place that had Filipino food at reasonable prices (YESSSSS) at Union Station and then we, of course, talked and talked and talked. We generally like to do that a lot. And it isn't even really like talking. It is more like yelling because we are really loud and we just wanna be heard man...anyway...I mentioned that I wanted to see the Capitol all lit up at night because I had never been on the Hill at night before. So after dinner we went to Georgetown Law's campus and "snuck" into the law library (I didn't have a Georgetown ID, we just talked to the nice security guard lady) just to wait for it to get really dark. Then we headed to the west lawn of the Capitol where we could just sit on the veranda and look up at the Capitol's bright white marble dome. Then we walked down the National Mall all the way to the Washington Monument, then to the World War II Memorial, walked aroudn the Tidal Basin, went to visit Thomas Jefferson, FDR, then the MLK memorial, then to the White House. It was a lot of walking. But it was really cool to see everything at night. It had a different feel--a good, surreal, reverent feeling. After that, Guthrie basically rode the metro with me because I am still pretty scared of it, especially at night, and especially when I am by myself, and especially more so when I am by myself at night.

Anyway, that was the Friday adventure. 

On Saturday, I went to a party. And I will blog about it in a bit. But for now. Sleep.

Risks Taken: 57
Books Read Since Graduation: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15

Sunday, September 8, 2013




September 16, 11:52 PM ADD-ON

This was the Night of the Bed Bug Discovery. I think I remember just thinking, "FRICK I HAVE EIGHT MINUTES TO BLOG" and I did this. We were waiting all night for someone to tell us what we had to do. It was Labor Day so no one was on campus to help us out, the Director of Housing who isn't even in charge of us conference guests had to drive over to school.

But anyway, to focus on the better things, Labor Day was really fun because I ended up spending the day with Siena, David, and mostly Guthrie for the day. We all met up by GW then walked to the Lincoln Memorial to which I had never been before. Then we had lunch at Johnny Rockets and of course I had to have the obligatory diner milkshakes. Then Guthrie took me to the Waterfront at Georgetown on the Potomac then a full tour of the Georgetown campus. I don't remember why I didn't apply to Georgetown. Why didn't I?

Anyway, it was a good day! It was hot and there was lots of walking but it was a good day!

Risks Taken: 57
Books Read Since Graduation: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15

Call Me Mr. Benzedrine

Hey guys!

So, this week was kind of fun and crazy as always. This time, I basically worked all week. Like, I was staying late each day because the after school classes started this week and we are kind of short on escorts. 

Friday was probably one of the weirdest days I've had in a while. Just so many weird and crazy things happened. I feel like I can kind of say that about this whole week. It just makes me kind of sad that all this stuff is picking up right before I leave. Like, I am excited to go back, but I don't want to miss out on all this amazing and exciting stuff that is happening here. But I guess that's kind of the point, you can only have one.

Which reminds me, last week Sunday, I uploaded that video that I was talking about like at the beginning of August. 

Here's the link!:

I'm actually really proud of it and glad that I made it. It sums up a lot of my thoughts that I've had this whole summer.

Okay, I've missed this. This is fun. I can't wait until next week guys. <3

Times Eaten At Chipotle: 12 (SO CLOSSSEEE!!!!)  
Why This Week Was Awesome: Mattering
Books Read: 6 
Song Stuck In My Head: "20 Dollar Nosebleed"