Monday, May 27, 2013

You Were Late, #48

Okay so here's the deal guys.

I live and breathe stories. I read them, I listen to them, and I tell them myself. We are living and breathing stories ourselves. So what better way to learn about someone than by telling them stories, right? Storytelling makes us who we are--it is what shows others what we are, it is what helps form what we become to us and to others.

And yet this is another late story, another overdue blog post. My head has been filled with...something else...for the past couple of weeks and I do apologize. I still think that blog-writing is an enjoyable and marvelous form of storytelling, just as much as reading and living and dancing with others through words, but it hasn't been a top method of storytelling for me recently and for that I apologize. In fact, I've been finding new ways to tell stories, and I'm making new stories as I go along as well. And, really, if you know me--if you really know me--then you should be assured that I have never been the happiest than I am right now with these new stories.

A lot has happened in the past couple of weeks and not only am I getting to know new people, I am also getting to know myself again, something that I didn't get to do much for the most part, really, in my first year of college--which is odd because college is supposed to be this "journey to find yourself" deal. But it's not to late for it to be that for me--or, rather, it is not too late for it to be more of that for me. I certainly know it, and I certainly am acting on it.

Sometimes, various responsibilities muddle not only my thoughts but also the lens through which I see myself and my life. During the school year, my classes and activities and other duties are the only ones that are clear and sharp--that's how I get what I need to get done done. But the other thoughts--those get lost in the crowd. And summer is the perfect time for me to refocus on those often forgotten thoughts. Though I have been working full-time at 'Iolani for the past two weeks now, I have had more time not only for myself but for others as well. And the other thoughts--simple questions and considerations that ask me if I'm happy, if I'm challenging myself, if I'm enjoying life in general--become clearer and more defined by the day.

Risks: 48
Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

When Rome's In Ruins

Hey guys!!!

Sorry for the temporary lame post. I was busy last night doing a photo project. It was a nighttime assignment, but the problem is that it doesn't get fully dark until like 10 here and I hate it, it's ridiculous.

But yeah, I was kind of sick today which was lame because I couldn't eat anything for a while, but all is good now. 

The three day weekend was definitely well needed. Only two more weeks of school!!!!!! And finals too I guess. But yeah, fun times. 

Umm oh god, I can't even think right now. Today has been such a lazy day. I have so much stuff due tomorrow, but YOLO, you know? I can't even. Oh, what I did do this week was a lot of figuring out what I plan on doing with my life. It's really exciting and stuff, but eh, still have a few more years of life and stuff. 

Ummmmm so, I'ma go watch more GoT..... BAI!

Why This Week Was Awesome: Starting to Read Again
Books Read: 4
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 7.... Guys, like, what is life. 
Song Stuck In My Head: "Young Volcanos" and "Phoenix" by Fall Out Boy

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Frickery Frick McFrickerson

Please stop throwing tomatoes at me...#failbloggerisafail...

I remember thinking to myself on Sunday, too, that I had to blog! And then I didn't. And now it is Tuesday and Kendall texted me about three hours ago with the usual, "Blog?"

A lot of stuff has been happening. I literally had no break, and it doesn't really feel like summer yet. I finished my last final on Friday, did tons of unpacking and fixing-up-of-stuff over the weekend. And then I started work on Monday!

Work has been good, getting into things and I've been updating tons of stuff on the files and refamiliarizing myself with everything. Basically that's it. Well and dealing with all the weirdness that inherently comes with working in the SPO.

And yeah.

I'm sorry guys. These are totes uninspirational. I'm sorry. 

Risks: 48
Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15 

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Hey guys!

Ahh, what is life!!?!?!? Seriously. Like, I can't. I spent pretty much all day watching "Game of Thrones" with my friends who are just starting it because we just got HBO Go for free. PHO FREE! Yeah. It's been a good time.

Umm, what else has happened? Yesterday, I did a lot of nothing. And the day before that. And the day before that. Okay, well not nothing. I mean, I've basically been wasting time in like Deme's room and stuff. It's kind of bad. I really need to get my life together, but YOLO. 

We only have 3 weeks left of school. Like, what is life? I don't get it. I want to go home but I really don't. I don't understand my life. Also I spent a lot of this week thinking about my life because I register for classes next year on Tuesday. I have some plans, but I don't want to jinx them, you know? Yeah, you know. 

Erm, what else? I don't know. I'm tired. And I just want to watch Dani right now because she is perfection. Along with Tyrion. And Arya. And all of them. But not really. Okay, I'mma go now. <3

Why This Week Was Awesome: Rewatching Game of Thrones. This is not a good thing. But it is.
Books Read: 4
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 5 (Three this week. Guys. I have a problem.)
Song Stuck In My Head: "Young Volcanos" by Fall Out Boy. Please listen to this. It is so good. And makes my life so happy. I just can't. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

No Words!

Guys. I have no words. No. Words. None whatsoever.

It's summer and the first year of college is done and I know Kerms doesn't finish for another month or something like that but can I just take this itty bitty paragraph to say, "IT IS DONE GUYS THE COLLEGE FRESHMAN YEAR IS FINISHED FOR ME AND CAN WE ALL JUST PLEASE YELL WHOOOOO AT THE SAME TIME OKAY ONE TWO THREE WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO."

Kerms was right--I do miss blogging every day. See that's the thing: we do BEDA for 30/31 days and we get so attached and then, poof, it's goodbye. We go from "Bubbies-Runs-at-Midnight" type of friends to "Good-Enough-Friends-to-Say-Hi-in-Between-Classes-But-That's-It" type of friends. And that sucks.

But this is why we're gonna step it up and move away from the latter type and instead upgrade our relationship to maybe not to the point where we'll go on random Bubbies runs at midnight, but maybe, we could like, go and walk to Starbucks together if we happen to run into each other between classes at Campus Center or something and we could catch up and stuff.

Okay, it's official: I'm crazy. Oh wait, that was official a long time ago.

All right, time to be serious here. Ok. All right, no, who am I kidding? It is SUMMER. SUMMER. GUYS. IT'S MY SECOND FAVORITE SEASON OF THE YEAR. And it's gonna be three months' worth of bare shoulders and tanks, flip-flops, and short denim shorts, three months' worth of shabu shabu and ramen dates, three months' worth of friendventures (mostly food-related), three months' worth of splurging on movie-lounge-days and all-day shopping (okay, maybe not shopping, I have to save money), and three months' worth of no stress and no worries. Granted, I'm working all summer and I have to start serious one-hour-a-day LSAT prep starting tomorrow-ish but STILL. IT IS SUMMER. This is the season I always feel the most invincible, because we are. Nothing can touch us.

And to add to that, life is good right now. Life is really good. I'm on a rollercoaster that only goes up and I am determined not to get scared when it gets too high and jump off unlike previous times. I'm trying, I'm doing, and I'm living. And I'm very thankful for the handful of new people I get to spend my days with--my family and friends, and a whole lot of love I have for all of them.

Risks: 48 (I have Brandon and Quintin to thank for #48. Love you both!)
Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15 

Take a Power 30

Hey guys!

Can we just talk for a sec. I miss you guys. Like, seriously. It's been WAY too long and it makes me sad. Like, 12 days without talking to the Internet? That's too long.

Anyway, wanna know what's been going on lately? Me neither, but I guess I'll tell you about it anyway. The past few weeks, I've definitely been spending way more time with friends. Like, I've been spending an excessive amount of time in other people's rooms. And it's been super fun and I love it and it's definitely something that I'm going to miss this summer. 

All my shows are ending and it makes me sad. Okay, How I Met Your Mother season finale tomorrow. Death. 90210 SERIES finale tomorrow. WHAT!?!?!? SUPER DEATH. Doctor Who season finale this weekend. DEATH. The Office SERIES finale this Thursday? OMEGA DEATH. ALL THE DEATHS!!!! I just can't, like, I just can't. 

Oh, and something else that has been plaguing my life is Chipotle. From last Friday to today I've had Chipotle 5 times. What is my life. It's honestly an addiction. That's why I'm adding it to the bottom count things because it's getting so ridiculous I just can't. And, I tried the quesadilla burrito and I can honestly die happy now. Like seriously. It's too much. I love it so deeply and I just want to hug all the Chipotles everywhere but there are too many and I just can't.

Yeah, that's pretty much my life. There was way more that happened in the past week, but I'm tired, and I just wanna go play some Zelda, so YOLO. 

BAI <3!

Why This Week Was Awesome: THE QUESADILLA BURRITO!!!!
Books Read: 4
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 2 (Starting from Monday)
Song Stuck In My Head: "Losing a Future" by Alex Day