Sunday, October 28, 2012

I Don't Even Know Anymore

Helly everyone!

This week was a mixed bag. But, then again, so is every week, really. There are always high points and low points. I guess this is what makes life real without the shield and anchor that was 'Iolani.

Highlights of the week include........see, I'm grasping the air just trying to figure out what exactly were the highlights of the week...hmm. Okay. Tuesday, we went on a Long's adventure that wasn't really an adventure. More of a party. Ping, Maria, four of Rebecca's architecture friends, Rebecca, and I all trekked down there to get some stuff. I bought Kit Kats for the office. Because it's October, we put out a pumpkin container on our office's counter where people come up for questions and help. We filled it with candies and chocolate but also kept several containers of goodies for ourselves inside. Everyone in the entire office gobbles up "dem Kit Kats" in no time so I figured, since we're running low, I'd pick up more. 

This week, I also signed up for Relay for Life, a cancer-fighting committee that plans this huge fundraising event that will take place in April. I'm excited!

On Friday night, I went to Eat the Street! We did it as a RAPS social so I went with other Regents and Presidentials (well, just one Presidential). The theme this month was "Dia (con tilde!) de los Muertos" so they had a bunch of Latin food. Oddly enough, Xtreme Tacos wasn't there! There were, however, a whole lot of baja-Mexican food trucks that I had never seen there before so that was good. No crepe booths, sadly, but there was a positively sinful dessert booth where they had marshmallows and truffles and chocolate mochi! I had to buy one; it was called a Chubby Fudgy Bowl. It was basically layers of chocolate mochi squares and whipped cream, topped with more whipped cream and strawberries. YUM. There were lots of people in costume (a couple of the Regents actually also came in costume), but mostly they had Day of the Dead make-up on. The hosts were having a contest for whoever showed up with the best skeleton-y make-up. Daisy and I were waiting for our carne asada fries at the Ono Grindz booth when I turned my head and I FOUND WALDO! I wanted to go and take a picture with him so I told Daisy I'd be back. I started walking towards him but I realized that he was with a girl and they were laughing and talking and I was like, "Shoot. No, Waldo's on a date. I can't go up to him and ask for a picture with him when he's on a date!" So I turned around. Gah, I so regret that! I'm pretty sure he would not have minded, especially if he chose to go in public wearing a Waldo costume. When I told a couple of the Regents what happened after, we looked around for him a bit to no avail. Ah next time, Waldo, I WILL get a picture with you. Anyway, on to the more important stuff at the Street: the FOOD! Daisy and I shared everything so that we could get our money's worth. The best bite we got was these skewers of mushroom and garlic chicken wrapped in bacon--really good! And it was also really cheap because both skewers, which were both pretty big, were only $3!

My entire Saturday was basically spent in Kahuku. Originally, I was supposed to go and help out at a robotics tournament at my old middle school but 'Iolani needed judges over in the north shore so I chose to go there instead (I'll still be helping out in a robotics tournament this weekend though). I had to get up early for rides at 6ish and I didn't get back home in town until around almost 7ish at night so it really was an all-day affair! It was good though. I judged three rounds of JV Policy which, considering that this was the very first debate tournament of the season, was pretty painful in a baby-freshmen-at-their-first-ever-tournament-making-only-three-minute-speeches kind of bad. For many other judges, they would have rather died than judge three rounds of JV early in the season but I really appreciated that the judge coordinators gave me these assignments. I remember what my very first debate tournament was like and how terrible my speeches were during those rounds. And I remember how much time I spent reading all of my judges' comments on the debate ballots after every tournament, analyzing and taking note of every criticism and suggestion. So I made sure to FILL UP DEM BALLOTS because I figured, hey, I know what it's like up there and I know that these kids need all of the help they can get before the next tournament. I was basically writing in my very best and neatest 0.25-inch (not joking) high font, single spaced, from the very top to the very bottom of the page, writing sideways on the margins and around the boxes when I ran out of space (which I did...for all three rounds). After each round, when I turned in my ballots, the coordinators would sigh and be like, "You can ALWAYS tell who's n ex-debater here..." Hey, I know what they wanna hear and know so that's what I give them. Besides judging, I also got to know the new members of the team. Most of the kids who came out to compete were freshmen and Josh had told me before that they were "pocket-sized" (really, he used those words) but I didn't understand what he meant until Saturday. They are the cutest and brightest little creatures ever and arrrggghh, I don't understand how no one has smothered them all to death with crazy love already! I have so much confidence in them after just talking to them on Saturday. We waited for an unusually long time for a debate tournament because the tabulations took extra long this time around. And at the very moment that we all decided to go out because Ayami and I wanted to teach the others Wah-Wah-Shwing, the awards start so we didn't get to play. We did, however, play that game where everyone looks down and at the count of three looks up to look at someone in the circle and if they're looking at each other, they're both out. That was fun, even if it was short. Everyone did really well but we didn't take any of the sweepstakes trophies. Shucks! But this can also be good because it's still early in the season and winning a trophy would have put the target on 'Iolani's back. Next time!

After that was the long journey home. We got caught in the post-surf meet traffic but that wasn't so bad. The waves looked so scary yet powerful at the same time. Now, by this time, I had a pretty terrible headache and I felt really sick. By the time Ayami and her mom dropped me off, I was really ready for bed. But not after I ended up throwing up everything I ate for the day in the bathroom right when I got home. So after I cleaned up, I went straight to sleep with only a couple of minutes of dinner when my dad got home. After that, it was just me and my pillow and my blanket, all through the tsunami warning happenings and such all the way until 9 am this morning. Mhhhmm, sleep.

The thing is this wasn't the first time. I don't remember if I told you guys on here but this also happened a couple of weeks ago. I came home with a terrible headache, threw up in the bathroom, and basically went to sleep it all of for the whole night and until late in the morning. The first time, I came home from canvassing which involved lots of walking from house to house in the hot sun for hours. This time, I came home from judging at a tournament. Amazing. Normal teens come home trashed after a rave. I come home trashed after trying to make a difference.

I think it's because I'm just not used to the long and high-energy days anymore. They just tire me out now. Which is really sad because I remember that all I really needed after a tournament was a good night's sleep. I mean, think of IDT season or States season! Those were basically no-sleep weekends! I don't think I'd be able to handle those anymore. Which is really sad, and they make me miss high school more, oddly. 

Okay, I think that's enough for today. I'm really ready for bed but I think I'll go and get some more reading done.

NaNoWriMo starts on Thursday! Kendall and I will be participating and aiming for Winner Status, of course. We are also doing something new this year: Vlogging! We'll be posting short and really informal videos with sanity assessments and updates on how our novels are going throughout the novel. Get excited guys. Here is the link to our shared channel on YouTube:

Okay, that's it for now. I'm gonna go. Have a happy Halloween everyone!

Risks: 32 
Hugs: 2
Current food obsessions/cravings: water
Playlists on Repeat: Split
Books Read Since Graduation: 6

Life of the Party

Hey guys! 

This week was cool and stuff, right? Yeah, it was. I found out that the poster that I thought was accidentally mailed to me was actually bought by Jen. Therefore, I ended up getting both posters, Wheeeew! 

Then, on Friday, we had our big surprise for Gavin because Rebecca flew in on Friday night. It worked out pretty well I thought. What happened was, on Friday, I went with Gavin to archery to spy on him kind of. Even though, I ended up being able to shoot for like two hours and it was a lot of fun. The reason I wanted to spy on him was because there was a chance that he would go out with the archery people after. So after that, my aunt came and picked me up and we got Rebecca from the airport at like 11 at night. 

By the time we got back to my dorm, we were talking with Gavin's roommate to figure out if was in his dorm yet or not, but he wasn't. So we ended up having to wait like an hour and a half at my dorm, until Gavin finally got back to his. Once he did, I texted him saying that I got this package on accident and that it was actually for him. I told him that I was going to bring it to him right away because he really needed to see what was inside of it. 

So we trekked over to his dorm and the put Rebecca in a box. It was sufficiently awkward and hilarious, especially when I taped the box up with Rebecca in it and then walked away to go grab her bags, then this guy came up to the box and was like "Are you okay?"

After that, I got Gavin to come downstairs and look at the box. I tried to get him to open it then and there, but he said he wanted to open it in his room. So he dragged the box to the elevator, down the hall, and into his room, all while Rebecca was in the box. I then gave Gavin a letter that came with the box, so he spent some time reading that. This whole thing took about 10-15 minutes, all while she was in the box. When he finally went down to open it, Rebecca burst out for air, dying of heat from inside the box. 

Overall, it went really well, Gavin was surprised and happy, and it was fun times. Then on Saturday, we made some lemon bars and then went downtown to go to the Boys Like Girls/All American Rejects concert. Unfortunately, I thought it was in the wrong place, so we ended up having to walk a mile and a half in the cold and rain to get to the actual place where the concert was, but that's okay.

We met up with Jaime there and went in. This was my first concert, so that was exciting and stuff. It was crazy though. So hot and sweaty, and people pushing and shoving their way to the front. We actually got really close up, like 2 or 3 people away from the front. The entire time, fending of drugged up people who were just flailing around all over the place. I really really enjoyed the Boys Like Girls set. I thought, overall that it was a lot better. The All American Rejects one was just kind of all over the place. But that's probably just cause I didn't like their lead singer that much. 

But yeah, in the end, everything was awesome. Gavin and Rebecca had to wake up at 5:30 this morning to get to the airport, and Rebecca fortunately got on a flight. So yeah, good weekend. 

Books Read: 11
Free Meals: 47
Why This Week Was Awesome: Family Reunion 
Song Stuck in My Head: Boys Like Girls songs, basically 

Monday, October 22, 2012

So Much Shame In My Soul

Oh..... Hey guys............

I'M SORRY!!!!!!! I can't believe I forgot AGAIN!!!!!! I remembered to blog yesterday too!!! But I got super busy, so I guess I'll tell you about that now:

This week was pretty cool and fun and stuff. It started with on Tuesday Gavin and I went to a pre-engineering advisor to talk about classes for next quarter. It was comforting to be assured what I was doing was right, but at the same time, it just got me thinking more and more about what I want to do with my life in the future, but, more on that another time. 

Then, one Wednesday, I had my first midterm ever in Chem. It was super easy and ridiculous. I still sometimes forget how much easier college can be than Iolani. It was just a little bit awkward in the tiny lecture hall chair and tiny little desk, while fumbling around with the test, the scantron, the periodic table, and my calculator! 

After that, on Friday, Gavin and I bussed it down to Lacey to visit Jaime. That night, the 3 of us and a few of her friends, and even Jarren, went to this haunted corn maze. It was actually really high quality and really fun. There were some creepy people who wanted to "faun" us, or pretended to be checker boards, but over all, good time.

THEN, on Saturday night, we went to OLIVE GARDEN!!!!!!!!! It was everything I dreamed of and more. First, unlimited bread sticks: DELICIOUS! Unlimited soup: OMAZING! And then, I got the "Tour of Italy" which had some pasta, some lasagna, and some chicken parmesan. SO MUCH NOM! The only problem was that I got way too full way too fast. I'm going in with a game plan next time.... next time.....

Then that brings us to yesterday. We got back kind of early, so I did a little bit of homework. Then, my aunt came and picked me up and we went to go see Wicked. It was really really really good. I mean, that's all I can really say about it. It was awesome. 

Then, I got back at like 10:30 and had to start working on my 5 page paper that is due for english today. And that's why I spent the 3 and a half hours after that working, and that is why I managed to forget about blogging.... It's no excuse, I know, but I promise I'll be better next time!

Okay, off to Math. I have another midterm tomorrow, but, no worries, supa easy!

Books Read: 11
Free Meals: 47
Why This Week Was Awesome: I ordered a Swings poster, but instead I got a signed Huricane poster! (I think I'm gonna send it back though)
Song Stuck in My Head: A lot of Wicked songs...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

By Summer's End

Hello everyone!

It's 11pm here in Hawaii and I just finished reading a bunch of stuff. Lots to read in college...I still have more but I've decided to call it quits for tonight. I finish at 1:30 tomorrow so I will basically be reading and starting my paper from then on until dinner time at 6:30 or 7? Productive Jen? LET'S. GO.

This week be honest, I don't even remember what I did this week. They all seem to blur together. I know that Rebecca, Anyssa and I went up to Noelani once (I think it was on Wednesday). I also know that we had a mini ice cream party in the office on Friday because we still have a two gallons of ice cream left from the Open House. That was good. I also remember that I started going to Religion class again! Hinduism is a bit confusing right now but my prof said that's just how it is in the beginning. Everything else is kind of a blur. Or snippets: bright yellow shorts, majestic unicorn hair that "must be mated," koalastothemax, lots of FLOW, Picasso lectures, gods with multiple hands, the Lingle trolley, and random things that make everyone say, "So this is what college is about...?"

Such is my life at the moment. 

To end this post, here is a conversation Daisy and I had earlier tonight. I found it quite funny. We somehow got to talking about YOLO stuff and the topic of "the worst thing you have ever done."

Jen: Daisy, what if I told you that the worst thing I have ever done was...hmmm. What if I told you that I killed someone? Yep, Daisy. I killed someone.
Daisy: Then I wouldn't believe you.
Jen: What? I totally did! Why wouldn't you believe me.
Daisy: Because it was hard for you to take a sandwich from the cafeteria....

Oh Daisy...!

Risks: 32 
Hugs: 0
Current food obsessions/cravings: soup
Playlists on Repeat: Starred! (Soon to be Split)
Books Read Since Graduation: 6

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Paper Dreams

It's been a hard week in ways more than one. Again, I had deep and thoughtful plans for this week's post. But in the interest of time (which, I was reminded this week, is extremely precious) and because I have a long night of two papers, some online homework, and a midterm to start studying for ahead of me, I will keep this on the shorter side.

My grandmother passed away this week. I was at dinner with Anyssa, Rebecca and Marina when my dad called and asked me to call him back once I got back to my dorm room. I did and when he passed the phone to my mom, I immediately noticed that something was off. Her voice was deep and raspy and she sounded sick, so I asked her what was wrong. And she told me that my grandmother was gone. The fact that I was alone in my room with only a cellphone to connect me with my parents, Shayne, and Josh made the news that much worse. I had to call Rebecca and ask her to come up and I'm so glad she did because I wouldn't have known what to do or think had she not answered her phone immediately and said, "I'm on my way" as soon as she heard my voice. No questions, no explanation needed. And she had a project to finish for her studio class that morning too. She also immediately told me something that I needed to hear that night: "At least she's not lonely anymore. She's with your grandpa." I didn't think of it that way until she said it. 

We called my grandmother Nanay, which means "mother." Our entire family did--from my mom and her siblings, to their spouses, to us grandchildren, and even her great-grandchildren. She was a mother to us all. 

I remember the little things. And I will always remember the little things.

I will remember that she grew sampaguita (pikake) in the front yard. One part of the wire fence back home was filled with her flowers. She would put the small white blossoms on my hair when we visited and I always say that I think of her when I smell pikake.

I will remember that she loved to laugh and that she was generally a happy lady. I can still hear her laughter. We used to have such a good time teasing her about this weird dance that she does. It was sort of a cross between the washing machine and the macarena, if you can imagine that. 

I will remember the pants she used to wear. There was this particular pair of purple and gray pajama-style pants that had a sort of scrunched up texture to it that she wore a lot when she went out to the market or to the bank. Those pants were my favorite. 

I will remember that she loved having kids in the house. One time, I was sitting in the living room and I, along with my nieces and nephews, would urge her to dance for us. 

I will remember that she loved to sew. I can still see in my mind the bright and colorful shorts she sewed for me and my siblings, nieces, nephews. The last time we visited as a family in December 2007, I told her that sewing wasn't good for her eyes anymore. In response, she sat me down right next to her and told me that if I thought that was so, then I should put the thread through the needle for her so that she didn't have to strain her eyes. She wasn't gonna stop sewing, she told me. That made me laugh but I did sit down with her all afternoon and watched her sew.

I remember the look that she gave me when I came downstairs once during that winter, wearing a black skirt. It wasn't short or provocative or anything but she said, "You've grown up so much." 

I will remember her brushing my hair when I was younger as she hummed songs that she made up herself, a quirky habit she passed on to my mom. 

The morning after she passed, I got out of the shower and quickly wrapped a towel around my head to dry my hair as I got ready for school. When I looked in the mirror, I realized that she was the one who taught me how to do that, something so trivial yet something that I will forever consider a way to keep her close to me forever. I was probably in second grade at the time. I was in her room one morning, standing in front of the mirror, my hair dripping wet. I had been trying for a while to copy the way that I had seen my Tita Azon wrap her hair with a towel to no avail. Then Nanay walked in and saw the pool of water around my feet. She didn't get mad. She kinda laughed at me at first but she ended up showing me the criss-cross and fold over method that she does with her hair towel. And ever since then, I've used that method to dry my hair every morning.

I think she was lonely after he passed a couple of years ago. I miss her but I do think that she is happier up there with my grandfather. 

I will remember her, and miss her, and love her forever.

This past week was also a long week because I had absolutely nothing due in class. I barely even had anything to read. So my senioritis kicked in again and I procrastinated on the things that are due this week. Silly Jen. In other news, I judged a speech tournament on Saturday and then canvassed this morning. That was good.

Ok, I have to get back to working. Good thing I took a nap this afternoon. Oh, and the Refresher and cappuccino should help too.

Risks: 32 
Hugs: 2
Current food obsessions/cravings: none...though I have been eating healthier lately...
Playlists on Repeat: just my entire library, skipping songs when I feel like it...
Books Read Since Graduation: (still) 6

Don't You Forget About Me

Hey guys!!!

So this week, not that much more exciting. Just hung out, did school, yeah..... I'm at my Aunt's house this weekend, just 'cause. We went to Target and I restocked on things. Got some Uncrustables, so I'm good. 

This is probably gonna be a lame one. I still kind of have a bunch of homework to do and I still got to get back to my dorm soon... Oh well, yeah, okay, I'm actually gonna go now, sorry! Next week will be the bomb though. 

Books Read: 11!!!!! (The Real Cool Killers!!!!)
Free Meals: 47
Why This Week Was Awesome: I finally flipped the foam mattress topper thing on my bed to the right side...
Song Stuck in My Head: "One More Night" by Maroon 5

Monday, October 8, 2012

Uncle Teddy Thinks We're All Sissies

Hello everyone. First, let me start off by apologizing for my failure to post for last week. I remember thinking about doing it on Sunday but I ended up getting sick and sleeping very early at home so it slipped my mind. I went canvassing early Sunday morning, then came home. Shayne and I went shopping at Waikiki and we hung out quite a bit but my head was just throbbing the entire time so we bussed home. I was a wreck at this point, I'm sure people thought I was downright drunk because I looked like I was gonna puke. Which I did once we got home. It wasn't fun. Then I went straight to sleep and when my mom woke me up at 8pm to ask if I wanted to go back to the dorms, I declined and went back to sleep. I still had a terrible migraine. 

I think it's the vog. I have never been affected by it but I have never seen it this thick here before. The sunset was red and it was pretty overcast all day. In the past, when people would mention the vog, I always used to be like, "Vog? What vog? I didn't know we had vog this week..." Now it's all over the sky.

Anyway, other than the headache, my weekend was pretty good. I stayed out until pretty late on Friday night with office friends. We ate at Marukame Udon, went Waikiki shopping, then hung out at (freaking) Hokua, taking pictures, talking, and just singing.

Then Saturday was 'Iolani Community Action Network Day! It was my first official alumni event. And it was really fun.!Rebecca, LJ, and I were the 2012ers. First, we cleaned and skinned taro. Then we stomped and worked two of the lo'is. At first, Rebecca was really grossed out about the mud. On the other hand, LJ was pretty much like a little kid in there. I had actually worked those particular lo'is before so it wasn't that big of a deal but I still thought it was really enjoyable. Then we washed up in the stream. The water level was considerably lower than the last time I had been there but it was still cold so it felt good to wash up and soak our legs after doing something good for the community.

It was just one of those days that make me love being a part of this community. Getting to see 'Iolanians all together in pursuit of doing good and having a good time with each other while bringing awesome into the world is something that I will always cherish. The three of us will definitely be at the next one and, hopefully, we can rally the rest of the 2012ers to join us too!

After saying goodbye to all the 'Iolani rockstars, the LJ, Rebecca, and I embarked on a short trek amid the rocks and overgrown tree trunks in search of a safe shortcut back to the dorms. It wasn't that hard to find but we couldn't see the bottom of the stream so we weren't sure how deep it was. We didn't wanna risk trying to reach the bottom or anything so we stayed dry for the most part. We hopped on the rocks, stayed close to the bigger ones on the edge, and held on to the low branches as we got closer to the other side. 

We hung out in my room after a bit to shower and just hang out. After LJ's mom picked her up, Rebecca and I went to lunch and separated for the weekend. I got home and tried to watch a movie with my mom but she was restless and she ended up going out after, I think. I helped Josh out with his mole project for Chemistry for the rest of the afternoon (which is pretty cute). That night, I tried to watch some TV but I ended up conking out. I guess I was really tired!

I woke up early Sunday morning to take the bus to Kalihi for canvassing. But first I dropped by Jamba Juice for a berry topper. That was a yummy breakfast. Then I walked to the park and then set off canvassing in the upper Kalihi area by Kamehameha Shopping Center. It was hot, there were lots of dogs, and walking. And most people were not home. But I managed to hit all of the sixty or so houses in that district in a little over two hours! 

I already told you all the rest so that's all there is to it. I guess last week's "theme" was more of the idea that my life now as a college student no longer revolves solely around school. Whereas life in 'Iolani was basically studying, life in college means that I get to do more things besides study. Yes, I am working hard for my classes. But I'm also doing other things for which I didn't used to have the time. I'm hanging out with friends a lot more. I'm volunteering and working. I'm reading for fun. I'm writing letters and doing service/craft projects because I feel like it. I'm also writing a lot more. I'm going to try and exercise more, and stretch and do yoga! I find myself planning my activities as I go along. I remember how I used to schedule my days based on chunks of time like periods. Everything from eating to using the bathroom in between classes to printing papers used to be scheduled in a daily to-do list. And I used to find it so difficult to squeeze in anything other than what was already written down or to change anything at all. All of that seems to be no more, and it feels good to have this kind of freedom.

Risks: 32 
Hugs: 1 (when my mom dropped me at the dorms this morning)Current food obsessions/cravings: water, oatmealPlaylists on Repeat: (freaking) Parachute on Pandora.........................Books Read Since Graduation: 6 (This number will be 7 after tonight)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Revenge of the Tiny Chickens

Hey guys!

Guess what? Guess what could possibly going on in my life right now..... Yup. I'm sick..... It's almost as if I have a tiny chicken magnet in my brain, and it's just asking for more tiny chickens to lay their stupid little eggs.... Whale, at least I feel better right now. Last night, it was kind of really bad. Especially since I was staying with Jaime this weekend, but once I started getting sick, I decided to book it early, so I took a 2 and a half hour, sickly bus ride. Fun times. 

Anyway, yeah, this week was just another week of school. I mean, it feels kind of weird, like I've been here for forever already, but like, this was only the second week of school. Weird. I still have an extremely stupid paper to write for english. I hate my english class, the teacher is stupid and we read the most ridiculous things that make no sense whatsoever. I hate it. I don't care if I get a bad grade in that class because I'm in college to learn about engineering and such, not to read articles about violence and capitalism that make literally no sense. Blegh!!!! Sorry, I have a lot of angst in my soul.

Anyway, yeah, nothing to extraordinary has happened. I finally finished with How I Met Your Mother this week. I was literally watching like 10 episodes a night. Shows how much free time I have in college...

Okay, yeah, I have to go write the stupid paper. Kay, shooooooots!!!

Books Read: 10 (Soon man, soon...)
Free Meals: 45
Why This Week Was Awesome: 162!!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: "You're Gonna Miss Me"...