Sunday, May 27, 2012

I Hope the Days Come Easy and the Moments Pass Slow!

Hey there!!!

So this week has been a crazy one, including last night in which I went to Junior Prom with Rachel who I found out ALSO reads our blog!!! So now that I know that REAL people actually read this I kind of feel pressured to write something of somewhat quality work... Nah.....

Anyways, this week was crazy because it was the last real week of school and I had so much stuff going on. Oh, and not to mention that I was FREAKING SICK THIS WEEK!!!! GAH!!!! I was literally DEAD when we went to the Water Park on Friday! But it was alright, I still had fun, but I was dead, so... Although I did feel much better yesterday from Prom, so that was good. 

Anyway, so let's start with the Water Park. It was actually really fun, I haven't been there in a while so it was a little different. Even though I had to run away every two seconds to go clean out my nasal passages, it was a fun time that included free food. Also, I noticed how Jen said "meh" about the Water Park in her post on Thursday, but I'm pretty sure that she ended up having a super good time!

Then, there was Junior Prom last night, which, I thought was super fun!!! (And I'm not just saying that because I know that Rachel is reading this! But since Rachel is reading this I'm gonna say thank you for inviting me!!! It was a really good time!!!) So let's do some comparisons shall we? SENIOR VS JUNIOR PROM

DJ:   JUNIOR!!! (This DJ was a THOUSAND times better!!! With much more knowable and danceable songs, and, he actually ended the night with a slow song, and there were other slow songs intermixed throughout the night. Good job DJ.)

VENUE:   TIE!!! (I actually thought the location of both proms were really good! The only thing about Junior Prom was that it seemed like there were so much less people, which is probably because it was a slightly bigger place? I don't know, but that does remind me of my new found love for Emerald! She's so cool!!!)

PICTURE TAKING:    SENIOR!!! (At Junior Prom, the picture taking guy was the same as from Soph Banquet, instead of the normal Ishikawa guys, and this guy isn't that good. He was having trouble putting 10 people in a group picture.... They would have died if our group was there.) 

And most importantly FOOD:     SENIOR!!!!!!! W00TTTT!!! (The food at Senior Prom was definitely better!!!! 'Nuff said!)

Okay, enough of that. Umm, well, Baccalaureate is tonight and Jen is supposedly supposed to be the one who is going to make us cry. We'll see about that then, won't we? 

For next week, we graduate on Saturday, so I don't know if we are going to blog on the day before or after, but you will find out eventually!!! Okay, until next week, Be Brilliant!

Books Read: 8 
Free Meals: 7
Why This Week Was Awesome: Last Week of High School
Song Stuck in My Head: "My Wish" by Rascal Flats (In attempt to finally memorize it...)

Oh, and also, I've been scrambling to try and memorize the alma mater....... (I finally know the first verse!!!)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

As We Go On

I'm going to take this chance to write my weekly post because, really, I've had to schedule every single thing that I have had to do this past week--including when to relax and breathe--that I just feel that if I don't do it now, I won't do it at all this weekend. Moreover, I think I subconsciously did not write "Cry" or "Be sad that you're graduating in a matter of days" on my "To-Do List" just because...well, because I don't think I really want to, in Tumblr-speak, "Feel all the things." *SIGH*

Also, I decided to write tonight because earlier today, the illustrious and talented resident writer of the entire school, Micah Lau, told me that he "love[s]" this blog. I was very flattered to hear that he reads what we write here. Let alone "love" it! INTERROBANG. But then I got to thinking....this is Micah Lau, the illustrious and talented resident writer of the entire school. Well. Now what am I gonna write about? Now that I know that we have someone like him on the other side..... 

*Queen's "Under Pressure" starts playing in the background*

Anyway, I didn't have a clear idea as to what I wanted to write here mostly because the cluttered teenage boy's bedroom that is currently my mind is just not ready to write about our imminent graduation. We had our last official day of classes today so we seniors did the whole countdown to 3pm at Benches and all that shebang. I told myself that I wouldn't cry but I saw Winney crying her eyes out and upon seeing her in such a state, I COULD NOT HOLD BACK MY TEARS. How could I when my dearest and most beloved Winney had tears flowing out of her beautiful eyes? So I cried. 

We go to the water park (meh...) tomorrow and then we have baccalaureate this Sunday (yes!). 

Okay, off to finish all of my senior portrait messages. Must. Write. All. 40. Tonight.

Risks: 20 
Hugs: I stopped counting after Winney made me cry...
Current food cravings/obsessions: water...again...
Playlist(s) on repeat: I'm STILL embarrassed to say. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

This is Crazy!

Hello! This is gonna be hasty because I must hurry off to a stage band performance, but nevertheless!

While Jen was off gallivanting this week, I had one of the busiest weeks in my high school career, which will continue onto to next week being utterly insane. *Breathe*. Almost there. 

My only two AP tests were this week. That was fun. Kind of. Oh and yesterday was Prom. That was fun right? I don't know, dances are fun, but they all kind of blend together in the filing cabinet of my mind labeled "Crowded, sweaty, formal things". I still have one last prom to go to next week. That should be a fun time. 

I have to pee.... But there is no time!!!! I actually thought that the place that we had prom at this year was super cool. The road up to it was sups nuts, and the ballroom, although slightly unconventional, was a cool place. 

I also have to hurry because I have to go return my tux in an hour because that's when they close. Poop sauce. Okay, I shall be off. It's been real!

Books Read: 8 
Free Meals: 5
Why This Week Was Awesome: Prom?
Song Stuck in My Head: "She Takes Me High" by We The Kings

Where Was Neverland?

Hello again, peoples.

This week was pretty hectic. I'm finally finished with all of my classes. Whoo! On Tuesday morning, I took the AP Gov exam and then after that I had nothing to do. So I spent the afternoon doing that. Nothing. Well, I mean, I hung out with Mrs. Nagao and then I went to the SAO and I kinda lounged about with other free seniors at benches. After that, for the rest of the week, my day was pretty much like: homeroom in the morning, then scholarship period 7, and then BOOM NOTHING. 

So I filled that nothing with working in the Summer Programs Office. Not the whole time, really, though. Like, for example, I took Friday morning off so that I could do all the other stuff that NEED to be done before I graduate during that time. And I also work after schools, too. Kendall also works whenever he can. We have a whole list of things that we need to do to prep for summer school and I'm working through all of them. We're getting there. We still need to pick a theme!

And then prom was last night. It was crazy fun. Max, of course, was an A+ date (maybe save for the Watch Debate? Haha, well, agree to disagree!). And I'm sure that I will come out on top of his Trifecta of Dates. We don't know yet because junior prom is next week but...I better! Haha, I'm kidding. Mmm, wait, no, I'm not. Really now! Anyway, food was good. Soph Banq food was awesome but Max and I decided that our food was better despite the fact that we had to admit defeat halfway through Dessert #2.The dance floor was tiny and cramped and my dress was cumbersome and everyone was stepping on it and there were so many people so it got really hot and really tight and really crazy in there. BUT! We only took one water break and then one for the group picture. So that's two five-to-ten-minute breaks total the whole night. The rest of the time was spent dancing. That's the YOLO attitude that senior prom demands and we defs had it. But the, really? Electric Slide for the LAST DANCE OF THE LAST PROM OF OUR HIGH SCHOOL YEARS EVER? Thank you very much, Mr. DJ man. Nevertheless, a ton of fun was had by all. (Ooh, that's right, I just passived and I don't care. This is what being done with classes--no, being done with HIGH SCHOOL--does to Jen...) 

Now I have to worry about other things. Like that Bio lab report. *SIGH* 

Risks: 20 (Yun Ji "spiking" the punch doesn't count...)
Hugs: 0
Current food cravings/obsessions: some cool iced tea
Playlist(s) on repeat:, I'm embarrassed to say. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

I Cannot Believe My Eyes

Hey blog-a-fers! Long time no see, huh! 

So far, it's been a new month and a new me! ........ Too far.......

Anyways, how's it going? ..... Poop. That reminded me of my 9th grade letter that we got to open a few days ago. The first two lines were as follows: " Howz it join in senor year? I hope my handwriting has gotten better over the past three years."..............

Needless to say my handwriting has NOT gotten better, but luckily, my spelling has...

Anyways, what else has happened over the past 12 days? I got to use a folding machine! I ate a LOT of Red Vines! I also have gotten a lot of free meals recently, which is why I am starting a new count for that as of this week. One of those 3 free meals that I received was a SUPER delicious mexican feast!!!

Tomorrow we have our AP Bio test. I've spent the weekend "studying" and I think it will be pretty easy, I just need to go over a few things still, so NBD. It shall be a good time. OHHHH, we had our Leadership Luncheon this past Wednesday and it went really well!! The kids did a really good job in talking and asking good questions and being polite and etiquettefull. It was a good time!!! Lots of good times were had these past few weeks.....

Speaking of which, we graduate in 20 days!??!?!? It's even crazier that my (kind of) old school, Mililani High School, graduates today!!!!! WHAT?!?!?! Like, what if they still have AP's next week??!?! Nothing makes sense!!!!! I've been trying to stalk all the people that I knew back in middle school, to see where they are going to college, but a lot of them haven't updated their Facebooks. Which makes me can't help but worry that they might not all be going to college..... Since everyone in our school does go somewhere after high school, I forget that not all public school kids will go on to college. I just want the best for everyone!!!!!

Okay, time to study. And cry. 

Books Read: 8 
Free Meals: 3Why This Week Was Awesome: Free Noms
Song Stuck in My Head: "So They Say" by Dr. Horrible 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Gotta Eat All the Good Noms

Hello world, it's been a while.

It's Week 1 of AP tests and I have just emerged, unscathed (thankfully), from three arduous back-to-back battles against the dreaded AP Spanish Language, AP Calculus AB, and AP English Literature exams. I'm alive! I feel positive about all three of them. Taking all three for three days in a row was not as stressful as I imagined it to be...or maybe I'm just more laid back than usual (something that Mr. U likes to point out constantly!). I guess I have been feeling more laid back than usual. I'm more giggly and relaxed. I think it's "something in the water."

Speaking of water, do you have any idea how amazing this powerful liquid is? On Tuesday, the presentational speaking portion of the exam involved two sources (one written, one audi0) about the amazing properties of H2O. And, don't worry, I can legally mention what was on the test here now because CollegeBoard releases exam info two days after the exam date, so no Index Fingers of Admonition from any of you! Okay, so where was I? Oh right, the most amazing thing on the planet. WATER! It's amazing. The sources talked about how drinking water is essential to our health and general wellness. And a study has found that drinking two cups of water before every meal helps you lose weight, though it's not solidly proven...yet! Go and drink a cool glass of water right now and try telling me that it doesn't tickle your insides and make you all happy--I bet you can't! *sigh* Yep, I loves mes mys waters.

Oh, we opened our Cano Letters from 9th grade. Sups embarrassing. I was ridiculous as a freshman. Oh Silly Freshman Jen...

Okay, well, I have two more exams next week--Bio and Gov--and after that I will be done with classes! Yikes. I thought it would feel more like "freedom" but it kind of doesn't just because I have quite a lengthy to-do list of things I still need to do. I still need to do senior portraits, there's a Filipino club thing next week that I have to help plan, write thank you notes, there are leis to be made (which reminds me, I still have to add "Make and print lei labels/tags" on my To-Do list...Tiff reminded me earlier today), Senior Prom (next week Saturday), final Smalls projects, the Bio lab report about Ala Wai, Bacc speech-writing and memorizing, and the list just goes on and on. You don't even know. Graduating is hard work! Oh and I also have to work at SPO which has been amazing for the past couple of weeks.

So, yes, that is my life right now. I'm such a senior.

Risks: 20 (FREAKING RIDING A BIKE WAS SUCH A RISK! Oh and also, I think I remember something else...oh, the Red Vine adventure...yep that was a risk...)
Hugs: Uhh, I hugged all of the Leadership students today....however many there are in that class?
Current food cravings/obsessions: STOP EATING JEN YOU HAVE PROM NEXT WEEKEND
Playlist(s) on repeat: "Therapy Sessions with Max"