Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pain Demanding to Be Felt

Sups. So this, what's up?

This week, we finished The Fault in Our Stars finally. Can I just say that it was amazing? Yup, I can say that. There are so many emotions involved in that book, I can barely even begin to elaborate on them. Just know that you must read it. Like, now. Go. Read. Please? Please. 

Anyways, second semester started this week which meant Leadership class started this week. Well, it actually kind of started with the sleepover, which was pretty freaking awesome. And then this week's class. I'm so incredibly excited to be doing this and I hope that it continues to stay as awesome as it is now. 

OOOOOO!!!! I forgot to say that yesterday I finally was able to watch the first two episodes of Sherlock!!!!! It all makes sense now.... It is so ridiculously good and I am excited to watch the rest of it. 

So, this is the penultimate BEWTY post for now because once February starts up, Jen and I will be doing BEDF because of the 29 Gift Challenge, but more on that later. 

Okay, I have a bunch of stuff to do because of my lack of doing them yesterday. 


Song Stuck in My Head: "I'll Run" by The Cab
Why This Week Was Awesome: Leadership!
Books Read: 2


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