Sunday, October 26, 2014

In a Moment, You Were Everything to Me

Hey guys.

Like, I don't even know where to start. Umm. This week was a time. It was kind of really busy, school wise. But it was fine. I did it. Now we're half way done with the quarter, when did that happen. 

On Friday I had really good Mexican food. On Saturday, I went to way to many stores to not buy anything, then went to Kona Kitchen and got Mochiko Chicken, came back, watched a movie (It was called "Weekend" and to be honest, it kind of made me feel a lot of things) and then the lights went out cause it was windy. So then we went over to Bianca's. OPA showed up and did what they needed to do. (It honestly was such a ridiculous night, I didn't go to bed till like 4).

Then today, I went to Sam's club and got an entire chicken for FIVE DOLLARS. Then I slept. Then we went to the Betty Who concert. It was at the neptune, so right near by. We got there like 45 minutes early (Compared to the 13 and a half hours early for the twenty one pilots concert) and we were like 5th in line. We ended up on the barricade, but that's cause it was all the adults and classy people who showed up late, but it was good. Betty was incredible. I didn't know everything, but I was still living to all of it. Then after we stayed, it only took about another 45 minutes for her to come out. She was so nice and fun. Honestly, she just seems like a good person to be best friends with. Anyway, click here if you want pictures and things. 

Why This Week Was Awesome: Crazy Weekend
Times Eaten at Chipotle: 7
Books Read: 12
Airplanes Ridden: 18
Concerts Attended:18

Sunday, October 19, 2014

We're Broken People

Hey guys.

This was my recovery week. I was sick. My life was in shambles. But after friday, everything was good. More than good actually. It made me happy. 

But now back to real life. And in real life, I have no clue what I'm doing. But that's part of the fun, right? Figuring out what to do next. I mean, RIGHT now, there isn't much to figure out. But it's coming. I have to figure it out soon. Kind of. 

In other news, I dug holes yesterday. #everydayisarmday

But really, so many holes. And then I went through  scary corn maze thing. They have this tunnel thing, where you walk through on a bridge that is still, but the wall is circling around you, so you feel like you're falling. And then you fall. Like. It's impossible to stand up straight and keep walking. It's insane.

4 weeks down. 7 more to go. I'm so ready to be done. But I'm not. That basically sums up my life. 

Why This Week Was Awesome: whatislife
Times Eaten at Chipotle: 6
Books Read: 12
Airplanes Ridden: 18
Concerts Attended:17

Monday, October 13, 2014

Fight It, Take the Pain Ignite It

Guys. This was a week. So much so that I forgot to blog on Sunday night #sorrynotsorry.

Monday. Didn't do much. Homework, class, etc. I was preparing.

Tuesday. I went to Olive Garden for Suly's birthday. Worth it. (This was the first time I've ever ate all my food at OG, omg I was hurting but it was so good).

Wednesday. It begins. Class. Smoothie making. Nap taking. Jaime comes over. Bus. Line for about an hour and a half. First concert of concert week, Walk the Moon. Good venue, meh opener, really good show. I really like Walk the Moon, they killed it. They played a lot of new songs too, so that was interesting. Fun time all together. 

Thursday. Round 2. Class. Work. Leave work early. Rest a little bit. Bus. Line for about an hour. Hipster pictures of Pike Place Market. Second concert, American Authors. Really interesting venue, kind of boug. First opener, Echosmith. They killed it. I've been listening to them for a while now and they are just so cute. Plus they plugged some charities and I was there for it. Second, the Mowglis. Good. There was like 7 people on stage though and it was stressful. Then American Authors. Lame crowd. Lots of teenie boppers. It was alright. Nothing super memorable though.

Friday. The final round. Woke up at 6. Walked a few blocks to the Neptune. Got there are 6:30. Hoped to be first in line, we were third and forth. The two people in front of us were a father and daughter who had flew in from California. They were really nice though so I wasn't even mad that they had gotten there before us. Waited. Mark complemented me on my Reel Bear Media shirt. Waited. Ate Chipotle. Went to one class. Came back. Got cold. Waited more. Got a bucket of Pho to go. Waited. 13 and a half hours later, the doors opened. Got in at 8. Got barricade. First act came on at 9. Vinyl Theatre. They were really good. They killed it. Next was Misterwives. Also really good. Both of them killed it. Then twenty one pilots came out.

So, this was the 4th time I've ever seen twenty one pilots live. If you want a full recap on one of their sets, you can find them here and here. You could also go here to look at pictures. I really can't describe what Friday was like. It was definitely the best show of theirs that I've been too. They were so into the show and just perfect all around. A really interesting part was when Josh broke a hole through one of his drums. So Tyler had to play a bunch of songs on his uke will they fixed it. It was great. I just feel like they put so much into the show and I put so much back. Like I said, I can't really describe it. It wasn't even about the music. It was the experience as a whole. Afterwards, I got to meet Tyler again and we got him to shaka. The special thing about twenty one pilots concerts is that it's about more than just seeing someone play music. It's about interacting. It's about meeting new friends. It's about being apart of the crowd. It's about dancing and singing your heart out because you're surrounded by people who understand. It was so special.

We didn't get to sleep till about 2:30, then we woke up late at 6 because Jaime had a flight to catch to New York at 7. I had to speed to get to the airport on time, but she made it. The rest of the day was spent sleeping and then feeling. I know that Friday meant a lot to me because I just couldn't shake it. They made me feel so many things. I know I don't usually have favorites, but twenty one pilots are my favorite. They do something to me that most things can't. I don't know how or why. I don't know what it is or for how long they've been doing it. But they have done something to me. They mean the world to me and I'm beyond grateful that I have them. 

Sorry, I just have a lot of feels. But they are good feels. I am happy. 

(Also, I got really really really sick on Sunday, so that's been fun, also that's the reason why I didn't blog. I was dying). 

Why This Week Was Awesome: twentyonelife
Times Eaten at Chipotle: 6
Books Read: 12
Airplanes Ridden: 18
Concerts Attended:17

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Carbs, Buying Kicks, and Bubble Tea Making

This was a pretty busy and fun week. I mean, I guess "fun" is relative. But this weekend in particular was a lot more lax than usual despite the usual amount of work and errands and events going on that I have to keep juggling. I think it's because it's starting to get a lot more fun and I am having more opportunities to have fun and laugh and joke around. I have been forced to move gym time all the way to next month again...which makes me sad. A lot of sad! But I really don't have much time for it at the time. But I am eating healthier. Kind of. Well I am getting better definitely, especially on the snacking habits. 

Okay, I have to do more things, so yeah. Bye!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

I Am Tired

I want to sleep but I have to do things. 

(I just realized that the sentence above is literally what my entire life is all about.)

City in the Rearview, With Nothing in the Distance

Hey guys!

This was the first full week of school. That means getting into the groove of things. Waking up, taking a shower, making my sandwich, going to class, eating my sandwich, going to work, coming back and sleep. 

On Wednesday, I had another concert (of course). It was Parachute. And while I don't listen to them that much, I really enjoyed the concert. It was a nice, mellow, fun time. 

I applied for graduation this week. It's happening. Life is coming fast. I've been thinking more and more about what I'm going to do next year. And while I think more about it, the more I realize how much I actually don't know what I'm going to do. It's terrifying. But exciting at the same time. I could do anything. The world is officially my oyster (almost). But that's not what I need to worry about now. I need to worry about now. 

This weekend I spent the whole thing with my family. My cousin, her husband, my mom, and my aunt. It's actually been a fun time. I've enjoyed it. It's kind of weird, I feel like I haven't spent any time at school so far, but I've already been in Washington for like a month. It's insane. 

Everything keeps going back to me needing to enjoy now. I have to enjoy it. I have to live. I plan to live. 

Why This Week Was Awesome: Family
Times Eaten at Chipotle: 5 (I had Qdoba this week. It was lack luster)
Books Read: 12
Airplanes Ridden: 18
Concerts Attended:14