Sunday, July 27, 2014

Blue Shoulders

Summer is over. At least my summer is. Here is to awesome taco deals, tea-flavored and spicy gelato, blue sea skies, squeaky swings, hidden gardens, seaweed babies, pseudo-hipster coffee joints, inappropriate and unflattering food photos, bus-hopping, to-die-for lamb stew, fireworks, barbecued bananas, unintentionally cabana-shaped rocks, smores on smores, NFG sandwiches, instant Taco Bell mac and cheese, Game of Thrones, a whole lot of columns and NMRs and Rotorvaps and a whole lot more that is sure to come. 

It is time to get down and dirty again for the LSAT and to finish the beast once and for all. I leave for a trip on Thursday so yay, it is a much needed break, albeit I do have to accomplish several things during the six days I will be in Boston and New York. But it will still be fun! I will be taking my laptop, I think, so get ready for BEDA! I will be back on the island on the 5th.

For now, I am waiting on my churro cheesecakes (I know!), Pinteresting, doing some pre-packing planning, and trying not to cry. I will be okay! Strength! Courage! Patience! Greatness!

I wish you well, I wish you the very best, and I wish you all that you want and need and could possibly ever make you happy, reader. I really really really do. 


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