Hey guys!
Sorry. I was kind of behind. Eh.
This week was interesting... I don't know, life, man. Like, okay, I worked for most of the first part of the week. And by first part I mean 5 days. Moving stuff fun times and life and things and almost destroying Sullivaning.
Thursday I went out to lunch with Jen and she gave me a super awesome and thoughtful Christmas present (just a little late guys).
This week was just filled with weird things and life decisions and African peanuts. Like seriously, I had to make major life decisions. I even got a Sam's Club card. Like, what am I? An adult? Ugh. I don't know, life in the fast lane. Like, actual fast lane.
Why This Week Was Awesome: Life
Books Read: 8
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Blue Shoulders
Summer is over. At least my summer is. Here is to awesome taco deals, tea-flavored and spicy gelato, blue sea skies, squeaky swings, hidden gardens, seaweed babies, pseudo-hipster coffee joints, inappropriate and unflattering food photos, bus-hopping, to-die-for lamb stew, fireworks, barbecued bananas, unintentionally cabana-shaped rocks, smores on smores, NFG sandwiches, instant Taco Bell mac and cheese, Game of Thrones, a whole lot of columns and NMRs and Rotorvaps and a whole lot more that is sure to come.
It is time to get down and dirty again for the LSAT and to finish the beast once and for all. I leave for a trip on Thursday so yay, it is a much needed break, albeit I do have to accomplish several things during the six days I will be in Boston and New York. But it will still be fun! I will be taking my laptop, I think, so get ready for BEDA! I will be back on the island on the 5th.
For now, I am waiting on my churro cheesecakes (I know!), Pinteresting, doing some pre-packing planning, and trying not to cry. I will be okay! Strength! Courage! Patience! Greatness!
I wish you well, I wish you the very best, and I wish you all that you want and need and could possibly ever make you happy, reader. I really really really do.
It is time to get down and dirty again for the LSAT and to finish the beast once and for all. I leave for a trip on Thursday so yay, it is a much needed break, albeit I do have to accomplish several things during the six days I will be in Boston and New York. But it will still be fun! I will be taking my laptop, I think, so get ready for BEDA! I will be back on the island on the 5th.
For now, I am waiting on my churro cheesecakes (I know!), Pinteresting, doing some pre-packing planning, and trying not to cry. I will be okay! Strength! Courage! Patience! Greatness!
I wish you well, I wish you the very best, and I wish you all that you want and need and could possibly ever make you happy, reader. I really really really do.
Enjoy these random tags:
one day very soon
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Here We Go World
Hey guys.
Jen's post made me happy. Like. Really happy. It doesn't matter to me what she does or what she chooses (I mean as long as it's good). People change, priorities change, life changes. But it's our attitude and how we face life that defines us. Watching someone find that out once again is always something inspiring. And I'm right there with her.
My life in the past few weeks have really been about figuring out what I want. What I want to do and what I want to acomplish. And while I may not have it completely figured out, I do know a few things. I want to help people grow and become good people. I want to see the world. I want to see others be happy and then be happy myself. The future is a big and scary place but I'm so ready for it. I'm ready to take it on head first. I've spent enough time waiting and wondering. The world isn't stoping for anyone and I'm not stopping for it.
I don't think any of that made sense but what I'm trying to say is let's go world, I'm ready for you.
Why This Week Was Awesome: Hydra Life
Books Read: 8
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9
Jen's post made me happy. Like. Really happy. It doesn't matter to me what she does or what she chooses (I mean as long as it's good). People change, priorities change, life changes. But it's our attitude and how we face life that defines us. Watching someone find that out once again is always something inspiring. And I'm right there with her.
My life in the past few weeks have really been about figuring out what I want. What I want to do and what I want to acomplish. And while I may not have it completely figured out, I do know a few things. I want to help people grow and become good people. I want to see the world. I want to see others be happy and then be happy myself. The future is a big and scary place but I'm so ready for it. I'm ready to take it on head first. I've spent enough time waiting and wondering. The world isn't stoping for anyone and I'm not stopping for it.
I don't think any of that made sense but what I'm trying to say is let's go world, I'm ready for you.
Why This Week Was Awesome: Hydra Life
Books Read: 8
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9
Winnning in Life
After a 4-week hiatus....I AM BAAAAAACCCKKKK!!!
I mean, August is creeping up around the corner, and I gotta be on my game for this year's second round of BEDA! So this is me, committing to that, and to so much more.
A note about my hiatus: There have been several things that have just made life harder to live to its fullest lately. The last semester was a literal rollercoaster (note the incorrect use of literality.) But I have decided to bounce back and make the best of every opportunity and to turn negatives into positives and to look more and more toward a future that is full of me and possibilities and all of our dreams. YES. IT CAN HAPPEN. IT WILL HAPPEN!
I am determined to smile and laugh, to embrace life and the people I meet everyday, to cherish all that makes my life full of life, love, and laughter, to sing and dance to my heart's content, to let go of as many worries as I can, to be accepting of all that I cannot control and to make myself stronger each and every day.
Josh just turned 18 yesterday. I know right?! The boy who is my #1, who teaches me what it means to live and laugh and joke, who works for what he wants and what others want of him, who fends off all the worries in order to stay sane, is now a man. And I realized, with Josh's milestone birthday, that I am allowing myself to grow up too fast and life is moving by pretty quickly but I am not ready to let go of the self-assumed invincibility inherent to being young just yet. I want to stay carefree and lively and vivacious and fierce. What happened to the Jen who would belt out Boys Like Girls at a moment's notice? What happened to the Jen who pushed herself to have adventures? What happened to the Jen who liked high places and the Jen who knew she was a part of something bigger than anything she can ever imagine? I need to find her again! And although she has been replaced by someone who likes bitter coffee, someone who works 8 hours a day and hardly has any time to kick back, someone who is the designated Rational Person in every party or outing, that doesn't mean that I get to just forget about all of the fun things I used to do and dream of doing. NO. That cannot happen. I am still in school. I am not a full adult. I am not even 21 yet, for all that is holy's sake.
This past year, I found new things that made my life more complete and more full. But I also lost other things that used to do that. I need to realize that having both makes perfect sense, that they are not mutually exclusive. And I am ready to realize that.
This post sounds like me life-coaching myself. But who else is gonna do it right? In about 10 days, I will have only 1 of my 5 bestest friends at a time on the island for the rest of the summer. I will be dropping some responsibilities and taking on new ones. Things are constantly changing, but you know what doesn't have to change completely all at once? Me. My values. My priorities. My loves and my dreams. That doesn't have to happen in one plane ride, in one blink, in one washing machine cycle. That takes time. And I am going to take as much time as I need.
So there you go, Life. I am ready to take you on. And I am going to WIN. IN LIFE. YES.
I mean, August is creeping up around the corner, and I gotta be on my game for this year's second round of BEDA! So this is me, committing to that, and to so much more.
A note about my hiatus: There have been several things that have just made life harder to live to its fullest lately. The last semester was a literal rollercoaster (note the incorrect use of literality.) But I have decided to bounce back and make the best of every opportunity and to turn negatives into positives and to look more and more toward a future that is full of me and possibilities and all of our dreams. YES. IT CAN HAPPEN. IT WILL HAPPEN!
I am determined to smile and laugh, to embrace life and the people I meet everyday, to cherish all that makes my life full of life, love, and laughter, to sing and dance to my heart's content, to let go of as many worries as I can, to be accepting of all that I cannot control and to make myself stronger each and every day.
Josh just turned 18 yesterday. I know right?! The boy who is my #1, who teaches me what it means to live and laugh and joke, who works for what he wants and what others want of him, who fends off all the worries in order to stay sane, is now a man. And I realized, with Josh's milestone birthday, that I am allowing myself to grow up too fast and life is moving by pretty quickly but I am not ready to let go of the self-assumed invincibility inherent to being young just yet. I want to stay carefree and lively and vivacious and fierce. What happened to the Jen who would belt out Boys Like Girls at a moment's notice? What happened to the Jen who pushed herself to have adventures? What happened to the Jen who liked high places and the Jen who knew she was a part of something bigger than anything she can ever imagine? I need to find her again! And although she has been replaced by someone who likes bitter coffee, someone who works 8 hours a day and hardly has any time to kick back, someone who is the designated Rational Person in every party or outing, that doesn't mean that I get to just forget about all of the fun things I used to do and dream of doing. NO. That cannot happen. I am still in school. I am not a full adult. I am not even 21 yet, for all that is holy's sake.
This past year, I found new things that made my life more complete and more full. But I also lost other things that used to do that. I need to realize that having both makes perfect sense, that they are not mutually exclusive. And I am ready to realize that.
This post sounds like me life-coaching myself. But who else is gonna do it right? In about 10 days, I will have only 1 of my 5 bestest friends at a time on the island for the rest of the summer. I will be dropping some responsibilities and taking on new ones. Things are constantly changing, but you know what doesn't have to change completely all at once? Me. My values. My priorities. My loves and my dreams. That doesn't have to happen in one plane ride, in one blink, in one washing machine cycle. That takes time. And I am going to take as much time as I need.
So there you go, Life. I am ready to take you on. And I am going to WIN. IN LIFE. YES.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Seagull In Tree
First of all. Bae. Thank you for reminding me. Twice. Ugh. I'm a failure.
But really, thank you though!
Anways. I did remember about you guys this weekend. I just forgot, you know, when the time actually came.
This week was a good one though. Legit, all I do with my life is work. I get to school by 6 and don't leave till usually around 5. Sometimes I wonder if it's really worth it to spend the majority of my summer working here. But then I remember how much I love it. I love the people. I love the atmosphere. I love the things I do (mostly). And I love how it motivates me to push myself more and more. I never settle here. And that's kind of what makes it so special. I will keep going until I reach something better. Then I will go even further.
Oh, and getting paid is nice.
But yeah, I'm having a good time. And plus, I have real fun plans for later on this summer. Speaking of which, for the times when I'm not working, literally I can think about is future plans and concerts and trips. Like, that's partially why I try to work so much, so I can save up enough money and just go everywhere. I want to see everything out there and there is no time to waste.
Okay, I should probably get back to work. Eh, yeah, I guess.
Why This Week Was Awesome: I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up!
Books Read: 8
Airplanes Ridden: 13 (UGGGGH SOOOON)
Concerts Attended: 9 (UGGGGH SOOOON)
First of all. Bae. Thank you for reminding me. Twice. Ugh. I'm a failure.
But really, thank you though!
Anways. I did remember about you guys this weekend. I just forgot, you know, when the time actually came.
This week was a good one though. Legit, all I do with my life is work. I get to school by 6 and don't leave till usually around 5. Sometimes I wonder if it's really worth it to spend the majority of my summer working here. But then I remember how much I love it. I love the people. I love the atmosphere. I love the things I do (mostly). And I love how it motivates me to push myself more and more. I never settle here. And that's kind of what makes it so special. I will keep going until I reach something better. Then I will go even further.
Oh, and getting paid is nice.
But yeah, I'm having a good time. And plus, I have real fun plans for later on this summer. Speaking of which, for the times when I'm not working, literally I can think about is future plans and concerts and trips. Like, that's partially why I try to work so much, so I can save up enough money and just go everywhere. I want to see everything out there and there is no time to waste.
Okay, I should probably get back to work. Eh, yeah, I guess.
Why This Week Was Awesome: I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up!
Books Read: 8
Airplanes Ridden: 13 (UGGGGH SOOOON)
Concerts Attended: 9 (UGGGGH SOOOON)
Enjoy these random tags:
but really,
thanks bianca
Sunday, July 6, 2014
That Means Cycle
Hey guys!
Yup. This was a week.
Nah, it was fun. I did a lot at work, got a lot done. I finished my summer class. I hung out with Jen and Company; ate good food, smelt potently, adventured, lived. Then I went to Lazer Tag with some other friends. Killed it. As usual.
I don't know. This summer is going by so fast, but I know that I need every second of it and I'm going to make the most of it.
Why This Week Was Awesome:
Books Read: 8 (WOOOOO!!!!)
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9
Yup. This was a week.
Nah, it was fun. I did a lot at work, got a lot done. I finished my summer class. I hung out with Jen and Company; ate good food, smelt potently, adventured, lived. Then I went to Lazer Tag with some other friends. Killed it. As usual.
I don't know. This summer is going by so fast, but I know that I need every second of it and I'm going to make the most of it.
Why This Week Was Awesome:
Books Read: 8 (WOOOOO!!!!)
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9
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