Sunday, January 26, 2014

No More Teen Birthdays


There will be a long post here soon.



My last post was on January 5th. It is now February 1st. I can't.

Since I last posted, I spent a blissful week with The Boyfriend, went back to school and work, spent a weekend with a bunch of great people in a rented house at Tradewinds Ranch in Punalu'u, turned 20, had my birthday family dinner at a Korean Fusion restaurant that had the best kim chee potato salad and Kalbi spare ribs in the history of Korean Fusion restaurants, baked and decorated two birthday cakes all the way until 2am in the morning, went on a dinner cruise that had all-you-can-eat crab and dancing surprises, got nominated to go to an International Diplomacy trip to China in the summer, traipsed through week-long Manoa rain, turned down the nomination to travel to China because it would mean missing Josh's graduation, developed a huge thing for avocado toast, felt the feels about the TFIOS trailer, went back to Gateway for the very first time in more than a year and made Bryson's famous Gateway Ice Cream With Different Cereals Mashed Into It Long Enough Until You Attain A Soft-Serve Like Consistency for dessert, played basketball in the Frear dorms hallway using a red fitness ball, gave a presentation asking an organization on campus to give us money, and, of course, stressed out and sent a bajillion emails every single day.

So I have been occupied. But still.

2014 has been very fun so far, but also very busy. As I expected, it was hard going back to school again. My first day was actually overwhelming--I had to sit and listen and take notes and share with my classmates. It was not bad, just too much after not having to do that for eight months. 

I am fine, more or less. More tired than usual, more doped up on caffeine (tea though, not coffee), sending and replying to more emails every day, but just fine. 

I admit there are times when it makes so much sense to me to crawl up and cry or to smoke weed because of all the things running through my head, but I always end up ok (as I always do)--calm and sober. 

There have been many good things though--new classes, new experiences, fun suprises, appreciating the little things. I am wearing shorts to school! I go to the #10 college in the Most Beautiful Campuses list! I am now 20! I have friends! There is so much love in my life to be thankful for!

School and work are okay. But it is a very good life, guys. A very good life, indeed.

Risks Taken: 61
Kimchi Count: 4

Long Live the Car Crash Hearts

Hey guys!

What up? What's good? How you doin'? What's new? ....... Ah......

Lol. Hi, I don't know, this week was this week. Standard. Umm, it was Jen's birthday on Thursday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEN!!!!! I expect all of the happy birthday vibes to be sent riiiiiigghhhhht NOW). Other than that, I went to Jaime's school this weekend. Saw some wolfs, you know, the usual. 

I know this is only, what, the fourth week of school? Yeah, fourth, but I feel like I'm not doing to hot... And I actually have a lot going on this week (2 midterms, a paper, 2 quizzes, and 13 hour of work... MAYBE I should work on those things a little..... PSH, school.

Oh, I finished my third book of the year, I'm doing good! I finished Insurgent (the second book in the Divergent Series). I mean, it's good, but I don't know, I'm not obsessed. I watched The Spectacular Now  last weekend. I thought it was good! It was very real and I liked that, I mean, as much as a teenage movie like that can be. It makes me excited for TFiOS and the Divergent movie. 

I also found some masterposts on tumblr the other day so I literally downloaded over a hundred new songs on my phone. You should look at the music on my phone now, all it is is Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, twenty one pilots, and Paramore (with a hint of We The Kings and New Politics (and Imagine Dragons (and a few other random songs from my life))). Yup. It's a little biased. 

I've also gotten into the business of gif making on tumblr. My most popular post has over 2500 notes. It was a gif set I made from a video that I took from the Painc! concert. It's kind of bad, every time a new twenty one pilots video comes out, I don't even watch it right away, I just download it so I can make gifs out of it. I mean, the one I did last time got over 2000 notes too, so you know, I'm kind of a big deal. (How do you people even deal with me...) Nah, it's just fun for me to do that. I actually really enjoy being a part of online communities like that. While part of me still considers them all as competition, it's nice to be around people who appreciate the same things as you (even if it is on the internet). Ha ha now I sound weird, but you know what, if I cared about every time I sounded weird, I would not be able to function. 

Okay, that's enough. See, this was a kind of substantial post about nothing. We're getting there Kendall...

Why This Week Was Awesome: SUN
Books Read: 3 (WOO!)
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 6
Airplanes Riden: 2
Concerts Attended: 1 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Just Lay In The Atmosphere

Hey guys!

So, it's still kind of the beginning of the year, and I started it off right by going to my first concert of the year. It was for Panic! at the Disco, a band that I've been listening to and been in love with since like 6th Grade. Their music has honestly been everything and I would love more than anything to be able to tell them that to their faces (one day!). But anyway, I already saw them once a few months ago when I went down to California. It honestly was kind of emotional for me because they mean so much to me and I saw them for the first time, however, it was kind of a manini set, but it was still amazing. But that's where this past Tuesday comes in. 

The concert itself was general admission, which means all standing, which means, if we wanted to be in the front, we had to a) get there early and b) fight. We did both. We got there four hours before the doors were supposed to open and waited in the cold. Honestly, it wasn't that bad. There were people who were there way before us, but that's okay. 

When we got in and it started it was probably the craziest/worst crowd I've ever been in. Non stop shoving and people pressed up against you from every direction. It was perfect. (Afterwards, I was completely drenched in sweat, not just mine mind you). The concert itself was perfect. Brendon Urie is a god and he is everything. It was the first show on their two and I'm pretty sure that he performed a few songs that have never been performed live. We ended up one person away from the barricade and everything was just perfect. If you want to see and understand more of what I'm talking about, here's a link to all my pictures and videos from the show

Sorry for going kind of in crazy detail of the concert. But, you know, this is my blog post, I should talk about what's important to me and concerts have become super important to me. So yup. That's gonna be a thing.

Why This Week Was Awesome: PANIC
Books Read: 2 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 4
Airplanes Riden: 2
Concerts Attended: 1 (WOOOO!!!!)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Film the World Before it Happens

Hey guys!

WOOOOO!!!!! First REAL post of 2014, are you excited? I AM FREAKING EXCITED.... Too much? Yup.

Anyway, ha ha, 2014 has begun and it is exciting. This is going to be a freaking amazing year, I can feel it. This week may have been a little blegh, but I'm already making plans and I am excited! 

When I flew back to Seattle, I had a layover in Maui, which was like 3 hours long or something. So being me, not wanting to sit around and wait for 3 hours, I ended up walking with my two heavy bags, long pants, in the blazing sun, to Costco and I got a berry smoothie. Let's just say, that was one of the best berry smoothies I've ever had. 

My classes so far have been a little eh, but, you know, that's aright. For one thing, I am going to the Panic! at the Disco concert on Tuesday and I plan on waiting outside in the cold for hours before hand because it will be perfect and everything will be right in the world after Tuesday. 

Other than that, I don't know, life is good. I finished reading Divergent after like 4 days. It was good! I mean, not super super amazing like everyone said it would be. I don't know, it's good though. Oh, and Sherlock has been a thing. I'm actually about to watch that after this. Ummm, you know, life and stuff. What even is this blog anymore? Ha ha or what has it even ever been. I don't know, but maybe I'll try and put more effort into it this year? We'll see. 

Why This Week Was Awesome: Back to school? Nah, more like FOB and Paramore Tour announced made my week 1000% better and 1000% more stressful...
Books Read: 2 (Starting the year off right!)
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 2 (I'm so happy I can't)
Airplanes Ridden: 2 (This is gonna be a doozy this year guys...) 
Concerts Attended: 0 (Just in anticipation....)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

It's That New Year Blog Thing Again! 2014

Two thousand fourteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!

Things from The List Completed in 2013
P4A 2013 (For the video: BigBrotherBigSister and for more info on the charity:
BEDA(ugust) and BEDA(pril) 2013! (Jen's first ever LEGIT YEAR of BEDA!) 

Go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando Florida! 

Things We Added to The List in 2013
Ooh, I didn't even notice that. We didn't add anything (again...)!

Things that Never Happened...Until 2013 Happened


Also I have a boyfriend now (Ooh, this came second to DC?)
Doctor Who 50th Anniversary??

Nerdfighter-ish Things from 2013
Project 4 Awesome 2013 (Success! We were together again for this one too!)
NaNoWriMo 2013 (Neither of us really finished, but, it was really good for both of us!)

2013 Was the Year Of...


This year, we got a total of 13,942 page views out of our total 50,476 page views. Oh and we hit 50,000 views!!!! Like, that's pretty freaking cool if you ask me. 

Last year I wrote about how 2013, to me, felt like "A Year of Good." A that point, I didn't really know if that meant I would do a lot of good, or a lot of good would come my way, or that it would be just generally a good year. It was all three in a sense, I think, as I look back on it.

I think compared to what Kendall and I accomplished during our first year in college, what we did in the fall semester during the latter half of 2013 was better--we made an effort to meet as regularly as possible and decided on the projects we wanted to do together, little things that made us smile because we were making others smile, random acts of kindness. Interning on the Hill, I think, is also another form of good to the world, though it may not seem like it at first (or at all, if you are one who distrusts and dislikes the government PERIOD). I have always thought that one of the biggest problems in society today is the indifference and apathy of youth. Being 19 and working on the Hill was sort of my little pebble in the landslide necessary to solving that problem. It was ironic because when I got on the Hill, I realized just by looking around just how YOUNG the people who are helping to run government really are. All of these mid-20s to late-30s men and women who work as low-paid government workers? What reason would they have to stick around other than the fact that they really know this path can really allow them to make a difference? 

A lot of good came my way too this year. Like Kendall did, I stumbled upon my own amazing, fun, and genuinely good group of people with whom I instantly connected. Lots of fun times were had and are waiting to be had. Lots of laughter and mishaps and long nights and ridiculous texts and inappropriate jokes and delicious terribly puns and so much more. I have no adequate words to describe what I feel for these people--and I am still getting to know all of them! I also fell in love this year surprisingly, out of the purple, and I am still falling and falling. It is going great. Despite all the stuff that happen that can put a damper on my day, this feeling that I have makes me believe that life is still amazing. I also had wonderful opportunities in DC--hard to come by experiences that were only made possible by the people I met, the work I was doing, the city I was in. I am so incredibly blessed.

Overall, I do think it was a good year. It was a year full of change. I keep telling myself and Kendall that "I need to get my life together" whenever I admit to missing episodes of Vlogbrothers or not being up to date on what YouTube stars are up to or not having even touched Tumblr in months, and that sort of thing, but, I mean, I am slowly starting to realize that maybe I don't really mean that anymore. What I am trying to say is that my life has changed and so the life that I am talking about when I say "I need to get my life together" isn't really my life anymore. And so it doesn't make sense for me to put it together because it no longer exists, or at least not the same exact one. I am not saying that I do not value what I used to do, what I used to love and what I used to watch and geek out over. Things change and people roll with it. I still believe the same things--I just now have different priorities and have different ways of expressing and conveying my beliefs. I am learning new things, adopting new habits and ways of thinking, being more and more perceptive to other viewpoints. 

As clear as it was to me that 2013 would be a year of "good," 2014 seems to me like a blank canvas. A sense of "anything is possible" washes over me because I can literally look at a 2014 calendar and think, "What in the world is going to happen this year?" and not have a clue! I don't have a single clue! Nothing! It is all white and blank and empty! Nevertheless, onward! We do what we do--we do our best. And I am really excited and fearful about that, but that's ok. It means I care about what will happen--and caring is the first step to making something awesome.

So my summary of 2013 is going to come to you in list form. This aren't in any particular order, but there will be 10 of them as the most important things that happened to me in 2013.

1) I finished my first year of college. Successfully at that. 
2) I made a brand new group of friends that showed me a lot about myself and the world that I didn't know before.
3) My family and I lost my dog (who I had since I was three) and my aunt.
4) I met a number of people who I looked up to and it meant a lot to me to finally meet them (Vlogger Fair and twenty one pilots).
5) I finally learned how to accept myself and came out to not only myself but the world.
6) I went to a lot of concerts and kind of became obsessed with the whole idea of live performances.
7) I found and fell in love with my new favorite thing of all time, twenty one pilots. 
8) I traveled to California with Jaime and had a crazy fun time.
9) I made YouTube videos and other original creations that I am generally proud of. 
10) I've had the most fun I've had in a while and while 2013 was great, I KNOW that 2014 is going to be so much better.