Sunday, October 6, 2013


My belly is full of dimsum and it demands that I sleep now...the kanak calls me to bed...
I will come back to this later...

October 7 ADD-ON!

Herro everyone. Right now, I am in my pajamas in my dorm lobby, with a Starbucks tumbler of hot green tea, my laptop, and Kendall's book. Originally, Guthrie and I planned to meet up at Dupont to bus over to visit the National Cathedral and then have late lunch at Ben's Chili Bowl at U Street after. BUT! There is supposed to be a storm today. It has been cloudy and overcast all morning and it is now raining lightly. EVEN MORE BUT! There is a thunderstorm watch until 5pm. Yikes!

Anyway, the past week of shutdown has been kinda eventful-ish. Tuesday I did laundry and some stuff I had been meaning to do but couldn't really get. Then on Wednesday, Guthrie and I went on an adventure to Renwick Chapel, Oak Hill Cemetery, Good Stuff Eatery, Arlington Cemetery, Iwo Jima Memorial (which was closed off because of shutdown but hey, we rebels yo), the Pentagon and the Pentagon Memorial, and then Gravelly Point. Yeps. I came home really sick because of how long our day was and I was dehydrated. No throwing up though! I spent Thursday and Friday in the library at Catholic University working on my paper and such. Then on Saturday, I went to Columbia Heights, went to Starbucks and tried their new Ethiopia blend (YUM!) while reading Don't Stop Running and then went to get groceries. I went out for dim sum at Chinatown yesterday and also movies with office people (we watched Rush).

And now I am just chilling for today, waiting out that storm yo. If I am not back at work by Wednesday, Guthrie and I will do the Cathedral-Chili outing then.

Okay, tootles y'all!

Risks Taken: 58
Books Read Since Graduation: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 20 (Just wrote three)


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