Sunday, October 13, 2013

...Too Rare To Die

Hey guys!

So, like, I went out of the country for the first time yesterday. And while that was a really fun time, I think I'm not gonna talk about that today. 

I totes have kind of talked about something like this before, but honestly who remembers that? You know how in Dragon Ball Z, or like other animes or just shows in general I guess, there are like different sagas or story arcs I guess you could say. So like, it goes from like the Freeza Saga to the Android Saga to the Cell Saga then the Boo Saga? Well, I feel like I'm in one right now. I mean, I actually have gone back and made chapter titles for different points in my life, but specifically the past few months have been like an era in my life. 

The interesting thing about this Saga though is that it's been very music driven and the things around me have conformed to that. I guess it all kind of started in the spring when I heard the new Fall Out Boy album and I became kind of obsessed with it. It kind of evolved from there when I I found out that I would be going to the concert and then I started to listen to all Fall Out Boy music. Then I discovered Twenty One Pilots and everything was perfect. 

That was like all my summer. Then the concert. And now the new Panic! album and a kind of new Fall Out Boy album. What makes it so this Saga is evolving is the fact that I'm going to the Twenty One Pilots concert in November and the Panic! concert in January. 

The reason why this is so big for me is because that was kind of my life. Like, everyday driving over the summer I would blast the same songs and sing them at the top of my lungs. I just, I don't know. I can't anymore. When I think about this summer and the crazy fun things I did, I can't help but think about "Young Volcanos" or "Migraine" or countless others. This fall is going to be full of "This is Gospel"s and "All the Boys"s and so on. 

This also relates to a quote that I talked about a few weeks ago. 
"I wish there was a way to know that you were in the good old days before you've actually left them." 
It's kind of the same in this situation in that, you know, you don't know that a period of your life is happening until it has happened. And I guess all that we can do until then is enjoy whatever life you're living in now because you don't know when it's gonna end. 

Okay, I'm satisfied. 

Times Eaten At Chipotle: 5

Why This Week Was Awesome: Canada? Music? Life? All of the above. 
Books Read: 6 
Song Stuck In My Head: Let me live my life. Just one yesterday.


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