Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dear Tomorrow

Hello all. Each day is a new day and a fresh start. But when you keep failing to start anew, it can get frustrating. Nevertheless, you have to keep going right?

So, no matter how many times I say I will be better, and no matter how many times I fail at being better, it does not mean that I have to stop telling myself to be better. 

So here I go again: I will be better. And I will start right now:

This week was pretty slow in the office, so I could not help but be homesick a lot. You know those times when you're just "I want to go home. I want my own bed. I want to be in my own room"? Yeah, that kind of homesick. There are times though when I am quite proud to say that I feel fine, not homesick at all. Yesterday, Max, who is visiting from Baltimore, met up with me and Guthrie for a crepes breakfast and then we walked to the Museum of American History, and then to the Old Post Office Tower (awesome view of the city from its tower!). And when we said goodbye to Max, Guthrie and I took the metro to Rosslyn in Virginia, and as we were walking on the bridge from Rosslyn to Georgetown, we saw a lone kayaker on the Potomac River below us. And Guthrie said, "Let's go kayaking. Now."

Okay, so I had mentioned to him that I wanted to kayak on the Potomac sometime and also pedal boat on the Tidal Basin. Our chance to pedal boat has passed because the company doesn't rent pedal boats past Columbus Day since, you know, it is getting cold here. But there were still kayakers when we were making our way to Georgetown yesterday. But see, when Guthrie spontaneously wanted to kayak right then and there, the problem was that I was not mentally prepared for it. I can't swim, let alone float. I don't want to die. 

I was complaining all the way down as we walked to the canal and to the boathouse. I was complaining as we requested for a double kayak and as we put our stuff in a locker and as we put life vests on and grabbed paddles and got in the kayak (Guthrie in the back and me in the front). I complained even more as we pushed off and started paddling. I was scared and I was getting wet and I did not want to capsize and I hated it whenever Guthrie tried to rock the kayak. But I did it and oh my God, it was fun. I mean, I was terrified the entire time. But it was so much fun. We rented the kayak for an hour and in that hour, we kayaked through a total of three bridges completely around Roosevelt island. Like, if you click here, we started at Key Bridge Boathouse (I marked it on the map), and then we kayaked southwest direction toward the island, went all the way around the island and then back to the boathouse. Like. What even. Never did I think I would do that. Granted, Guthrie did a lot of the paddling, but, hey I helped, too...

Then we went to dinner then we went to see a blackbox theater play by Woody Allen and it was hilarious. Great Saturday!

And today, Guthrie and I got tickets to the White House Garden Viewing! So we were able to go on the grounds (not the actual inside the White House), and see the kitchen garden and the West Wing up close and the outside of the Oval Office and such. Fun times!

See I was better. Let us keep this going!

Fair warning, November is coming up folks so don't expect anything big for our blogs because, yep, we are writing (well, trying to) novels!

Tootles y'all!

Risks Taken: 59 (kayaking!)
Books Read Since Graduation: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 21 (SA!)


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