Sunday, December 22, 2013

Meaning Maybe Defeating Them Could Be the Beginning of Your Meaning Friend

Hey guys!

Oh lawd. What did I even do this week? I don't even know. I didn't really do that much. I mean, I was out and about every single day, but there was nothing too noteworthy. But, with that said, it was still a good week. Tomorrow, I have to work at school, but that's alright, I'm excited. 

I think I said that I was going to talk about how my quarter of school went in this post. But thinking about it, there isn't much to say. It was good. I had fun. I went to a lot of concerts. That was about it. Nothing extraordinary, it was just good. Lot of good. 

I more am thinking about how the year went as a whole, but that can wait, we do have at least one more week of 2013 amiright? 

I realized that coming home can be stressful because all the problems that were here that you ignored because you were no longer there came back because you are now there. And not even problems that you can necessarily deal with, like, oh no I left my room dirty. But things that are issues in your life that you can't really fix, but that you have to deal with. And then you get away from them for a few months and you forget about them, then you come back and boom there they are again. Not that I'm complaining or that I'm saying that I don't like home or that I'm not enjoying myself. It's more that it's just interesting how that works. Two different worlds is basically what I'm saying. Yup.

Okay. I'm tired. BAI<>

Why This Week Was Awesome: The sun is a plus 
Books Read: 11
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 17 
Song Stuck In My Head: 


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