Saturday, November 2, 2013

I had Chipotle for dinner last night...

...and for lunch today. And also for dinner again tonight.

Now, before you start judging me, let me explain: THEY WERE ALL FROM ONE PURCHASE. I went to Chipotle to grab take-out last night and I looked at it and, really, that was not something that I could eat in one sitting. So I split it into three Jen-sized meals. Kendall, I have no idea how you can eat this multiple times a week. I mean, yes, it was good. It was delicious. But it was so much food! And I didn't even get a baby-sied burrito, I got a bowl, which is the same amount of food, but still!

Seriously man. I now see and understand the whole obesity problem because I have seen the mainland. Like. People here have a thing for burgers and shakes and pizzas. Like. Five Guys. Shake Shack. We the Pizza. Jumbo Slice. Z Burger. Good Stuff Eatery. And I am sure there are more. How are these people not dead?!

Plus, because DC is a young city in terms of its inhabitants, the drinking scene here is a big deal. Millenials--20 somethings, our generation, are becoming a more and more prominent part of the population here and looking around the Hill, it is amazing to see and realize that these young 20-somethings are the ones doing the behind-the-scenes work in running the government. 

Anyway, the drinks. Happy hour places and times and prices are memorized and stuff. Also. DC people have a thing for brunch. I mean, I am a fan of brunch as well but like going to brunch here is a thing that is not just reserved for couples (in contrary to New York I guess, if we take HIMYM as something that speaks truth which, come one, it totes does). And it is a big deal for a restaurant if they are named some sort of Best Brunch award or something. I think it may be the bottomless mimosas. Like I said, DC people like to drink no matter what, even at 10am, on any day, it seems. Work starts at 9 anyway, I guess is their thought process?

Anyway, yes, I had Chipotle last night. Cue the cheers.

In other exciting news, I get to tour the White House next week! Like, actually go in the house. EXCITING! And I have a private dinner/gala coming up and then the UH Navy game and then stuffs.


Ok, gotta go write my novel. I am already behind! But it is all good! I am gonng finish homework in the next hour or so so that I can type nonstop for the rest of the weekend. 

Tootles y'all!

Risks Taken: 59
Books Read Since Graduation: 11 (I AM COUNTING KENDALL'S BOOK)
Thank You Notes Written: 21 


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