Monday, November 25, 2013

You Say Things With Your Mouth, Cobwebs and Flies Come Out

Okay, you KNOW it was a bad week when BOTH Jen and I failed to post...

ANYWAY, this week was alright. Just another week of school. This upcoming week is thanksgiving. Then one more week. Then finals. Then home. Almost there. 

The only really cool thing that happened this week was I got to hang out with my aunt for a little during the Xbox One launch (cause she works for Microsoft). I got to go to the Microsoft headquarters on the day that it was being released. It was really cool to see people who had worked really hard on something and it was something that they were passionate about and to see them being able to show the world. It was a cool and interesting sight and feeling. I don't know. It makes me want to work at a place like that, even though I don't. Working at a place like that is stressful for me because you don't have a definite future there. If you're working for Xbox, for all you know, there might not be a next Xbox. That's why I'm really confident with teaching, cause, you know, there will always be teachers. But at the same time, I want to be apart of something cool like that. I don't know. I just want to do everything. 

Okay, I need to go to class. BAI!

Why This Week Was Awesome: Free  Stuff
Books Read: 8 (Honestly, what's going on???)
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 14
Song Stuck In My Head: 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

I can't do this

11/19/13 11:25AM Add-on

I couldn’t this past Sunday. I just couldn’t. I couldn’t even keep my eyes open at the time that I posted my thing. Lately this has been the trend—me feeling so tired so early (relatively) in the night. It is not good for NaNo purposes, but it also does not bode well for the future (dun dun dunnnnn). What if I have to stay up and work on a paper next semester? What will happen then if I feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier with sleep and my body feels like lead and my head yearns for my soft pillow? 


Okay, enough dramatics. I must go and work. I type this from behind my office desk.

Peace yo.

Risks Taken: 60!
Books Read Since Graduation: 11 (This is not going to change because of NaNo...and I started one right before November too...)
Thank You Notes Written: 21 

Does It Bother Anyone Else That Someone Else Has Your Name

Hey guys!

Erm... Yup. That's basically  it. Like, the highlights of this week included, lots of car time. Learning how to make gifs. Lots of walking. Book editing. And not much else really...

Like, this is my life. It was just a basic week. But that's alright BECAUSE three more weeks of school. Three more weeks till Jingle Ball. Four more weeks till I'm home. Like, a month and a half till Christmas. Two months till Panic. 

Life is now and is going to be good. Yup. I really don't have much else for you right now. Sorry I'm not sorry? 

Why This Week Was Awesome: 
Books Read: 7 (Wait.... WHAT????)
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 13
Song Stuck In My Head: 

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Demons Sat There Waiting on her Porch

Hey guys... 

I'm a failure... Damn 3 day weekends, they always get you. 

Anyway, I actually do have something that I want to talk about today. I want to talk about how great and impactful meeting someone in person who you've looked up to for so long can be. 

Well, for context, the reason that this is on my mind is because I went to go see twenty one pilots in concert this past Tuesday and it was basically the best thing ever. First of all, they have been one of my new favorite bands since the beginning of this summer, but they are honestly just perfect. Just, gah, I can't even.

But yeah, we went to the concert (of course got to the front because that's what we do) and got to see Tyler and Josh perform all of their amazing songs literally a few feet away from us. I have a bunch of really great videos from it, but overall it was amazing because there were some parts where they just like to, you know, come out and play drums and sing and stuff on top of the crowd (I was holding Tyler's foot for a little) and also their so weird and crazy and passionate about what they do and I love it.

Then after the show, we ended up waiting a little over an hour and a half outside the venue, in the cold, for them to come out. You know that people like that care about their fans when they actually take the time to come out and greet them and talk to them at like one in the morning. But yeah, we got to meet them and take a picture with them and they were super nice and gracious and it was perfection. 

But basically, it continued to enforce for me how special meeting your idols and role models in person can be. I mean, this is how I felt last spring when I got to meet all those you tubers. When you're a fan of someone or something, you enjoy listening to, or watching, or reading what they do. But when you're in your room listening to a song, it's no where near the same as hearing them perform it in person. While it's great that we have the technology to do that, it will never replace how special something like that can be in person. I mean, even like a vlogger, you basically get to know them and see them right there in your screen everyday, but once you finally meet them and get to speak to them in person, it's an experience that can never be fulfilled by a video. 

Basically, I'm just really grateful that I've gotten to meet and see so many people that I adore and I'm excited for all the people I'm going to get to see in the future. I encourage all of you, even if it includes a few hours of being miserable waiting, to be a part of whatever fandom that you are in in real life because it will guaranteed make that experience a thousand times better. 

(oh, and you should check out my tumblr [] to see all the amazing pictures I got from the concert including the one with Tyler and Josh)

Why This Week Was Awesome: twenty one pilots
Books Read: 6 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 12 (I think?) 
Song Stuck In My Head: 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

What has happened since I last posted? I went inside the White House, saw a good part of an oral argument in front of the Supreme Court, and went to Annapolis for tailgating and the UH-Navy football game!

We lost. Duh. But it was a fun time because I spent most of the game with a high school friend from speech and debate. It was cold and that resulted in my short bout of sickness yesterday but all is well now.

I am all caught up on journaling and finished my homework before sleeping last night. Now time to catch up on NaNo. Oh boy.

Risks Taken: 60!
Books Read Since Graduation: 11 (This is not going to change because of NaNo...and I started one right before November too...)
Thank You Notes Written: 21 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Down In the Forest, We'll Sing a Chorus

Hey guys!

This week? Umm this week was irrelevant. Kind of. I mean, it was Halloween. Then it was November, now it's Daylight Savings and stuff. The most important thing out of that is the fact that it's NaNo time. While I'm not doing the traditional NaNo, it's still a fun time for me, editing my book and all. Let's hope I get through it. 

This week I have that twenty one pilots concert and I'm kind of ridiculously excited about it. Like, it will be my life, but you know. 

Nope. Yeah, that's it. That's all you're getting from me this week.

Why This Week Was Awesome: Halloweek!
Books Read: 6 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 10 (Guess who just get 5 more free burritos?!)
Song Stuck In My Head: 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

I had Chipotle for dinner last night...

...and for lunch today. And also for dinner again tonight.

Now, before you start judging me, let me explain: THEY WERE ALL FROM ONE PURCHASE. I went to Chipotle to grab take-out last night and I looked at it and, really, that was not something that I could eat in one sitting. So I split it into three Jen-sized meals. Kendall, I have no idea how you can eat this multiple times a week. I mean, yes, it was good. It was delicious. But it was so much food! And I didn't even get a baby-sied burrito, I got a bowl, which is the same amount of food, but still!

Seriously man. I now see and understand the whole obesity problem because I have seen the mainland. Like. People here have a thing for burgers and shakes and pizzas. Like. Five Guys. Shake Shack. We the Pizza. Jumbo Slice. Z Burger. Good Stuff Eatery. And I am sure there are more. How are these people not dead?!

Plus, because DC is a young city in terms of its inhabitants, the drinking scene here is a big deal. Millenials--20 somethings, our generation, are becoming a more and more prominent part of the population here and looking around the Hill, it is amazing to see and realize that these young 20-somethings are the ones doing the behind-the-scenes work in running the government. 

Anyway, the drinks. Happy hour places and times and prices are memorized and stuff. Also. DC people have a thing for brunch. I mean, I am a fan of brunch as well but like going to brunch here is a thing that is not just reserved for couples (in contrary to New York I guess, if we take HIMYM as something that speaks truth which, come one, it totes does). And it is a big deal for a restaurant if they are named some sort of Best Brunch award or something. I think it may be the bottomless mimosas. Like I said, DC people like to drink no matter what, even at 10am, on any day, it seems. Work starts at 9 anyway, I guess is their thought process?

Anyway, yes, I had Chipotle last night. Cue the cheers.

In other exciting news, I get to tour the White House next week! Like, actually go in the house. EXCITING! And I have a private dinner/gala coming up and then the UH Navy game and then stuffs.


Ok, gotta go write my novel. I am already behind! But it is all good! I am gonng finish homework in the next hour or so so that I can type nonstop for the rest of the weekend. 

Tootles y'all!

Risks Taken: 59
Books Read Since Graduation: 11 (I AM COUNTING KENDALL'S BOOK)
Thank You Notes Written: 21