Saturday, February 12, 2011


Well hello there.

So I just put up a new post on my Physics blog and I told myself, "Self, why don't you go put up a new post on your cooler and more awesome blog, too?"
And, of course, myself answered, "Why, I don't see a reason why I can't do that, Self."

And so my confused bipolar and multi-faceted Self skipped off by herself, off to type this post up.

We haven't updated this in a while. Our last post was from last year when we welcomed this year!

So I'm 1--2--3--17 now! And my birthday was made purely awesome by my loving family and cool friends. We went karaoke-ing the night before my birthday and that was filled with awkward creepy pictures, lots of loud singing (and a bit of dancing, too, I guess), "Birthday Se"--I mean, JEN, "Birthday JEN"--and food. At the same time, we said "goodbye for now" to Ashlyn! Who is one of the creepers who sometimes reads this blog (Hi Ashlyn! I miss you!).

In addition, Kendall outdid both our birthday scavenger hunts last year combined and planned more like a letter-hunt-word-puzzle-mash-up for my birthday. (Should I put that under stuff we've accomplished? I don't know. Oh well, when in doubt, put it up.)

So basically, I got an envelope during homeroom and it had a letter with instructions, all the clues (which was something new and different) and, my favorite, a full page of JOKES. (I'm a sucker for corny jokes--ask anyone. I'm usually the only one laughing...and I think others just end up laughing at the fact that I'm laughing at such a lame joke. Ahhh....yeah.)

Anyway, so the clues that were in the envelope led me to specific places around campus and I had to look at different signs and stuff. With each clue, I was supposed to take a letter. After I got all the letters, I had to un-jumble them up to figure out where I had to go next. That was a bit hard but I got it in the end: THE FUN BOX!

So I headed to the SAO where I knew the Fun Box was and, sure enough, there was an envelope with my name on it. Kendall thought that this would be the hardest part, but the "puzzle" inside took me just a couple of seconds. Basically it told me to go to a specific locker, and the locker combo was also provided. Piece of cake-slash-pie-slash-pizza-or-even-better-an-ice-cream-cake!

I would have been ecstatic if he had given me anything from the post-it aisle in Office Depot (I'm that easy to shop for). But he went overboard that darned guy. Thanks for all the gifts and stuff and the easy (sorry) but very fun letter-hunt-word-puzzle-mash-up, man. Awesome best friend is awesome. But this best friend's birthday surprise will own.


P.S. TEN CREEPERS?! Awesome.


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