Friday, December 31, 2010

Bye Bye 2010...Hello 2011!

Collaborative blog? Yes.
Let's end 2010 and start 2011 with a post that's both blue and purple.

Things from The List Completed in 2010
-Fight with each other...legitly.
-Tie dye white shirts
-Dress up all-out for all Dress Days during Homecoming Week
-Make fake blood
-Draw a geometric design on the sidewalk using only string, chalk, straight-edges
-Survive our sophomore year of high school
-Make an epic scavenger hunt around school for a teacher during our sophomore year
-Eat Sbarro pizza
-(Jen) Make a 16th birthday scavenger hunt around school for Kendall (The theme was Percy Jackson and The Olympians plus all of our inside jokes so far...)
-(Kendall): Make a 16th birhtday scavenger hunt around school for Fruity (It was pretty epic...)

Things We Added to The List in 2010
-29 Gifts Challenge
-Finish supposed NaNoWriMo 2010 novels
-Write novels and win for NaNoWriMo 2011 (2010 was a let's try again!)
-Project For Awesome 2010
-Drink Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill wine (when we are of age, of course)
-Go to a Wrock concert
-Meet John and/or Hank Green
-Go to an ALL CAPS concert
-Opreration RTM
-Win Musical Chairs
-Dress up all-out for Dress Days during Homecoming Week in college (Once a Raider, always a Raider...)
-Do the maze at the Dole pineapple plantation
-Win an award at the end of the year for our student council committee with Rachel/Nutmeg (Faculty Relations Individual!!!)

Books We Devoured in 2010
The Hunger Games
The Lost Hero
Let It Snow
Will Grayson, Will Grayson
The Red Pyramid

Things that Never Happened...Until 2010 Happened
We had a fight...boooooo.
On that note, secrets revealed? Oh yeah. And not in the prettiest way, either.
Winter Ballin'
Christmas gifting
Scavenger hunting

Nerdfighter-ish Things from 2010
Project 4 Awesome 2010 (Success!)
NaNoWriMo 2010 (Fail!)
BEDA 2010 (Success!)
Ministry of Magic's album, Magic is Might (Success!)
A Very Potter Musical, A Very Potter Sequel, Starkid Potter

2010 Was the Year When/Of...
Leadership class awesomeness
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1
Student council awesomeness
Junior drama? Junior drama.
The discovery of Nerdfighteria

For funsies, here's a Wordle of
Our Top 150 Most Used Words in All of Our Blog Posts of 2010

I guess this means we really like the word LIKE. Haha.

2011 Here We Come!
I don't really believe in these, but oh well.

Jen - Aquarius
A series of breakthroughs in consciousness happen for you in 2011. Slowing down those genius synapses may not be an option, but with so much mental exuberance, why would you want it to stop? Imagine the onslaught of six planets all occupying the mental sector of your horoscope at the same time. And the fact that the planets will be in Aries -- one of the feistiest, go-getter signs of them all -- only adds fuel to the fire. A sense of urgency dominates the scene. You won't put off tomorrow what you can do today. Could the planets possibly be any more conducive to productivity?

Of course sleep could be an issue in that case, but you'll have so much energy you won't even notice the deprivation. If you're a writer, this is by far your most prolific year. Words easily just spill right onto the page. Regardless of your chosen profession, you'll have your hands full with communication and correspondence. You're learning all about the power and pleasures of the mind with daily life becoming a thrilling education itself.

Another keynote of 2011 is a radically spiritualized approach to money and possessions. Don't be surprised if you're suddenly inspired to give it all away just to tap into the lightness of being. Any residual materialistic tendencies seem to lose their importance once Neptune takes up residence in your money sector this year. You'll be inundated by Neptune's compassionate and empathic teachings over the next 14 years. You'll feel more for those who have not and may even devote more of your time and energy to helping those in need.

Kendall - Aries
Out with the old matrix and in with something totally different -- with trailblazing Rams leading the way as usual. It's all about the new in 2011. Others will take their cues from you especially when Uranus follows Jupiter into Aries in March. You won't have a second to forget that you're the consummate pioneer of the zodiac. With Jupiter and Uranus tag teaming it in your constellation, much new ground needs breaking in 2011. You'll barely have a second to rest and process all the brand spanking newness that has become part and parcel of your everyday life. Long-distance travel, philosophy, higher learning and experimentation are all par for a very exciting course as this mighty year unfolds.

Expect a birthday season to remember with lucky Jupiter and life-changing Uranus working wonders in your fiery stars. Your innate go-getter instincts are off the charts. As the spring season gets underway, life hits maximum speed (sleep, what's that?) May Day alert: Circle May 1 on your calendar with a big red sharpie, Rams! An explosive amount of Aries planetary energy abounds as six -- count 'em, six -- planets traverse your incendiary corner of the zodiac simultaneously. This includes Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus all rallying for your cause. Age of Aquarius themes pop up as Jupiter in fact does align with Mars on this very powerful day. Every second counts and actions speak infinitely larger than words.

Summertime brings Jupiter's jackpot in your money sector. Expect a nice fattening of the piggy between June and December with incredible opportunities to make the big bank. Love, pleasure and romance hit a high note in late September. Venus brings the beauty and love to your partnership sector while Mars simultaneously brings the sparks to your romance sector. Long-distance travel and adventures galore take precedence in November. While in December professional responsibilities will demand the majority of time and energy. But if you're willing to go the extra mile, your status could easily skyrocket.

What to Expect from 2011?
Pure AWESOMENESS. I can feel it. Can you? I know I can.
It's true. There will be more awesome than containable.
Also, expect some new bloging awesomeness. Yeah, we got plans. 

This basically sums up our expectations for the new year:

Happy 2011 everyone! Get ready for some thri'11s. Let's make this the i'11est year ever.


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