Tuesday, November 16, 2010

NaNoWriMo brings out the true Procrastinator in me.

So we are one day past halfway into NaNoWriMo. Right now I have 17,000 words, putting me about 10,000 words behind at the moment. (BTW, if you want updates on our NaNoWriMo-ness, look <------------ over there.)

However, if your name is Jen, please don't. (Also, I'm alltaco32, and Jen is Rheangjii)

BTDubz, if you, the non-existent reader of this blog, don't know what I'm talking about, then here: http://dft.ba/-ournanopost

For the most part, I haven't been not able to write. I have just been extremely LAZY. Like for example, right now, I should be writing, but I'm not. Also, my story is turning out really poorly. In the beginning, I planned out a whole bunch of stuff, but since then, everything has basically changed. And now, whenever I write, I have to make up things on the spot. To give you a little taste of the spontaneity of my story, first they start in Seattle, they go up to Vancouver, back to Seattle, then to Hawai'i. I have a billion words left to write, and I have no clue how I am going to get through them.

Oh well, at least it is somewhat fun. Ha ha, except for the fact that I have to ask myself this question every time I write: "Can you remind me, why I thought that this would be fun?" (http://dft.ba/-reference)

Okay, I should get back to writing. TTFN?


1 comment:

  1. This is embarassing. Especially that chart thing on the side bar. I have way more stuff going on than you do, so NOT FAIR!!! But anyway, I'm getting there...kinda, not really. BUT I WILL!!!

