Sunday, November 7, 2010

NaNoWriMo brings out the true creeper in me.

However, I am way behind on NaNoWriMo writing. It's disgusting actually, my being behind and everything. I only have a measly 1,372 words while Kendall's already in, I don't know, his fourth or fifth chapter (?!?!?!?!) with a total of 7,155 words. O. EME. GE.


I seriously need to UP my game. In everything, basically.

Imagine that you're juggling a lot of balls (get over it, infant) in the air.

Then this guy named Homecoming (his last name is Week...haha) comes over and distracts you. You talk to him and you laugh, you're having fun, yada, yada, yada.

And next thing you know, a ball falls to the ground. Followed by another one. And then another. And then Homecoming waves goodbye and skips away toward that proverbial sunset, leaving you in a terrible situation (that jerk). The balls that fell to the ground start to roll away slowly from you like they have minds of their own.

To make things worse, they're all moving in different directions. You know you have to pick them all up before it's too late. But at the same time, you have to keep the balls you're still juggling up in the air. (Oh and just a clarification, just in case there are some non-humans out there reading this: in this scenario, you are a typical human and you have two hands).

You try to decide what to do. Should you go after the ball behind you or the one moving away from your left foot? Or what about the other one that's moving away in front of you? And the ball moving away to your right? If you pick one of them, the others will continue moving farther and farther away. So you'd have to be quick and run back to get them all after you get one. But what do you do if, by some miracle, you reach a ball? Do you let everything fall to pick up that one ball? Do you juggle with one hand (yikes), slowly bend down and use your free hand to pick up the ball? What if more balls fall if you do that? And then they'd start to move away from you, too, just like the others.

To add to that, this cruel thing that goes by many names ("Inevitability", "Fate", "Jerk", etc.) throws in more balls for you to juggle. It's every clown/juggler/circus person's nightmare.

Eventually, when you've basically been doing that for the past sixteen years of your life, you'll want to just throw up your hands scream and watch as a million colorful balls fall like rain around you. You'll just watch.

But then you mentally hit yourself because you know that then you'd have to pick up all of them and you know that that'd be a &%*$# to do.

So you just keep on juggling and hope that nothing falls. And when you feel that you're strong enough, you power up to BEAST MODE and grab those balls like, to quote the illustrious Reppun, "the devil's chasin' you."


Actually, forget Earth--BEST. FEELING. IN. THE. DARN. UNIVERSE.

Okay, this is getting slightly deps, so let's go back to NaNoWriMo!!

Despite this whole falling behind thing, I'm still super excited. I'm not exactly sure if I should reveal deets about our stories. But I'm definitely excited to read Kendall's The Adventure. That's his tentative title. I don't even have a working title. Well, right now, it's Balance. But I don't think it'll be the same because I change my mind about the plot every other hour.

So, once my story has a more solid shape, I will feed you morsels of either text or simple facts. Or both.

Excited? Excited.

In control? In control.

I've been doing that a lot lately: asking a question and answering said question just by changing the question mark to a period.

Really? Really.

SEE?!?!?!?! :)

All right, enough for now.


P.S. I like how we have a total of four creepers (one of them is Ashlyn) who read our blog. Oh and that one "friend" (who may really be a creeper by calling him/herself our friend when he/she is really not, but we'll never really know unless they come forward and tell us).


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