Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 30: The Perfect Way (Way Way Way)

LAST DAY OF BEDA! Also, this was the very first time that I officially completed 30 days of consecutive blogging--no days missed, no late posts, no make-up blogs, no shameful days of shame! Cyber high-fives all around? OH YEAH.

Unfortunately, and also ironically, this was Kendall's first time with an incomplete legit BEDA. But we have to take his ONE MINUTE tardiness into serious consideration, guys. A mere 60 seconds doesn't retract from the fact that in all of the past three months of BEDA (August 2010, April 2011, and August 2011), he has done every single one perfectly. Plus, the reason why he missed the midnight deadline was because he was busy working the final (and, thus, the most unpopular) shift at the Family Fair, a selfless act of service and general awesomeness. Come on guys, really. No more rotten tomatoes.

Anyway, to end BEDA, I've written a letter for Future Jen's enjoyment on April 30, 2013.


Dear Future Jen,

Hello there, Future Jen! I, the exactly-one-year-younger-version of you wrote this letter for…you, of course! Getting a letter from yourself must feel so surreal. I would not know the feeling because Past Jen has never written to me before. But I think we are scheduled to open our Cano Letters one day, later on this month, after school. I vaguely remember making sure that my ninth grade Cano Letter, to be opened about three years later, sounded…um…comforting. Because that’s what Jen wants when she opens a letter from the past, right?  Good old warm and fuzzy comfort. Then I got to thinking: is that a pessimistic thing to write in a letter to my future self? See, I expected that my future self will be in a bad place when she reads my letter, and so I make sure to include loving words and caring sentiments. That does sound pessimistic. Well, we shall have none of that sapping business here. No siree. So let’s start over and make sure that this is a letter that will surely bring you a smile, lots of love, and high levels of awesomeness not because I think you need it but because I think that you deserve it! REWIND!

Hello there, Future Jen! My name is Past Jen. You probably think about me, or where I come from, a lot. Or maybe not, that’s cool, too.

I just wanted to know how you were doing! I hope all is well with you: acing all those classes you’re taking in UH, reading all those books for which you never had the free time in ‘Iolani, sleeping and napping like a panda whenever you can (which happens often, I expect), enjoying food as usual, working and earning your own money, and, of course, taking risks!

Have you taken one lately? No, I’m not talking about wearing a skirt to class—that is so Past Jen’s default wimpy excuse of a risk! You’re Future Jen now and you’re in college. If you have, then good for you, you may proceed. I demand that you go and take a healthy risk that will help you grow RIGHT THIS INSTANT, YOUNG LADY. Do not proceed, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Go take a risk. I’m serious. You can’t read the rest of this letter without a new risk under your belt. So do it. Just jump. Then you can come back and read the rest of my missive.


Have you done it? Nope? Seriously, go and take a risk. Past Jen does not joke. She is less giggly than you are now, probably, and has the tendency to be quite violent what with all the slapping and the punching she does. Go take a risk, love. This is Past Jen’s way of giving Future Jen a gift she’ll surely appreciate.


Congratulations! You now have another risk on your countdown (unless you don’t count them on here anymore...). Change the number and then write about it later on this week, or whenever you feel like it. Right, so, back to my letter.


Anyway, right now, on April 30, 2012, I am a bit scared and stressed for my upcoming AP exams next week and the week after that. Not “I’m going to die because of all this stress” kind of stress, no. I think this is what they call a “healthy stress”—it is the pressure that you get when you realize and understand what is at stake. And when you realize and understand exactly what is at stake, you perform your best. Over and over again, I’m also chanting in my head, “YOU CAN DO THIS. YOU CAN DO THIS. YOU CAN DO THIS.”

I have Spanish next week Tuesday, Calculus AB the day after, and then English that Thursday. And then the week after that, on Monday, I have Biology and, finally, Government on Tuesday. And then I will be done! That is probably the very thing keeping me going: the fact that I can practically see, feel, taste, smell, and hear the end. I can see the finish line. I can feel the pressure and the anticipation. I can taste the imminent satisfaction. I can smell the aroma of sweet-scented victory. I can hear the roaring of proud and wild spectators. This is it! It’s coming!

Underneath all of the excitement, I am also quite scared. This is new territory right here. This is the biggest change that I will have to undergo in my entire young adult life. So, Future Jen, tell me, or at least really think about these questions: Was it worth it? Was everything worth it? Is the life you live now all that you had ever dreamed of and/or expected it would be? And, of course, I have to ask you some questions that you should always be asking yourself, no matter what.

Are you…
… helping people whenever you can?
… making and learning from your mistakes?
…creating moments for yourself and for others?
…making magic, as in stopping yourself from growing up every chance you get, and always acting like a kid, just bigger?
…constantly thinking about how lucky you are to be alive, to be where you are right here and now?
…setting and achieving higher goals for yourself, constantly moving upward and forward?
…challenging yourself in every way possible?
…taking a break for yourself now and then?
…surrounding yourself with great amazing people who love you, care for you, inspire you, and help you grow and mature into the person you would like to be?
…parsing, kneading and coloring the words that you have always loved, pushing them to their highest potentials and showcasing their beauty and power to the world?
…doing the small things that you know always have a bigger impact?
…always exceeding others’, as well as your, expectations?
…balancing all of your priorities to the best of your ability?
…being good, doing good, and feeling good?
…giving and receiving heartwarming hugs?

These are things to ponder always, Future Jen. So many things! Asses and adjust, Future Jen! Like the chant that’s going on non-stop in my head right now keeps telling me, I say to you, “YOU CAN DO THIS!”

I believe in you. I always have.  I believe in who you are and your capabilities. I believe in what you will become and what you do to get yourself there. And I think that has been the thing that has helped me transform from me to you, over and over again, all these years, you know? Even with all of the love and support that you always get from your friends and family, of which you should be very thankful, by the way, none of it would have gotten us where we are now if it were not for me believing in you and you believing in me.

You always choose so always choose happiness. Leave your mark on this world: touch and help shape those clay-hearts. You have always read books for the characters, not for the plot, so do the same with life. Always be on the lookout for red moleskin notebooks and other adventures. Sing as loudly as you want and don't be afraid. Laugh at some clever wordplay and puns on Tumblr (still addicted?). Immerse yourself in your playlists. Slytherin pride all the way. French all the llamas. Put things on your head. No swoodilypooping. Decrease world suck and increase awesome. Write postcards and love letters to the world. Send some good karma out there. Smile—you don’t have braces anymore! Leave imprints of yourself on the pages of your world. Get on a roller coaster that only goes up, my friend, and stay on it.

I hope all is well and that everyone’s one-year-older versions are doing great. Tell everyone I said hi. Now go and have something to eat because food will always, always, love you back.

FTBAYS (Forget to Be Awesome, You Shan’t),
Past Jen&Berrs

P.S. NBA Playoffs? Huh?

P.P.S. Hi. Ok, bye. For reals, this time.


Well, this has certainly been fun. Another adventure done! So much studying for the past six hours. I read four chapters of Bio (test toms) and did a MC Part A practice for Calc. And I still have to do Gov reading/studying in the morning. Aiyo! Go, go, go, Jen. Anyway, toodles guys. Until next week (we're going back to BEWTY), my pretties, BEST WISHES!!!

Risks: 18
Hugs: 2 (both from Kirsten!)
Current food cravings/obsessions: grainy artisan chips
Playlist(s) on repeat: "THIS" 


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